1. Know why you are exhibiting. Yes you want people to buy from you, but what else? Signing up to your newsletter? Getting to know you on social media? What actions do you want people to take? And don’t assume anything, if you want people to connect with you on social media, have a clear poster that gives a QR code and says “Use this QR code to keep in touch. (You can create your own QR codes easily, just Google it);
2. Exhibiting is just that, a chance to create a shop front that enables people to see how you can help them. The full scope of what you do. Think about what are the assumptions that are made about what you do and ask yourself do we address them on our stand? Do we answer the “No’s” that people have? (A top tip here that by knowing and understanding the “No’s” that stop a sale, you can get them into your marketing to break down the No’s. Cool right?)
3. What are the big goals? Okay so you get them to sign up to get to know you on social media, they want to know more and sign up to your newsletter and email campaigns but what would the ultimate goals be? If you sell something what would the follow up purchase be? What else or how often do you want them to buy? Do you tell people about these opportunities when you exhibit?
4. Tell everyone! Okay so with The BWN you know we go out of our way to promote the fact that you are at our events, however it is not an assumption you can take the risk on taking. What warm leads do you have that you would love the chance to tell them more about what you do? What connections do you have that could also benefit from this event? By spreading the word this can help your event success in a number of ways; firstly you get to spread the word on the event to increase the foot fall, secondly you get the chance to remind people why you and how you invest in your business and the professionalism of your company and thirdly think how much the event organisers will love you for spreading the word. The next top tips share how to do this!
5. Share the link to the event you are exhibiting at on your social media. Include the organisers social media (ours is @BWNcouk in case you were wondering!) so that they too can spread the word on you, promote the event and raise yours and the events profile. The more people that know about the event, the more people know about you and your business.
6. Tell people in your next newsletter or email campaign. Writing a blog article? Add in there something like “If you would like to learn more I will be offering taster sessions/bringing this fabulous product to this event, and it would be great to see you there. Include a link. Remember marketing is about making it easy for people to get involved.
7. If you are networking, add it to your 60 seconds promo slot. The more people you can get to your stand to see what you do and how you help people, the better.
8. What do your guests get? So a freebie chocolate, free pen, pad or entry into a raffle may get you a smile out of a delegate, however if there are 20+ exhibitors in the room will you be remembered in a weeks time? What can you do to ensure people stay in touch? What about saying thank you or “Hi” on the coordinators social media. Getting in touch after the event. Remember to be consistent, relevant and non salesly. If you have attended an event its highly likely many will automatically have added your details to their data base. The epitome of salesly, no respect for your time attitude that can seriously risk your ability to create and nurture a new relationship that will enable business to happen, so what would work?
9. Think about the delegates event experience. By the time they get to your stand, they’ve been asked maybe 20 times “What do you do?” “What do you think of the event?” “Do you use X?” How can your stand have an impact? How can you ensure people walk away from your stand smiling and thinking “That was good!” rather than here we go again!
10. Don’t stand behind your stand. One of reasons you are exhibiting is so you can expand on the business card and 60 second promo slot so that people want to buy from you. To do that you want to build relationships either with people that don’ know you or who know you a little. A table is basically a physical barrier between you and the delegate. It can send a sub-conscious message to the brain that says you are unapproachable. When The BWN exhibit, we put the chairs to one side of our stand and encourage delegates to take a seat. Most women are in heels and guess how popular we are when we encourage people to have a seat and tell us about their business and how we may be able to help? By being on your delegates agenda and finding out how you can help them, you can really start a great relationship. And exhibiting is about creating a shop front that people want to stick around and learn more about and then buy. So from today to the event, make the journey into a sale a fun, enjoyable (and easy to achieve) one!
We hope you find these top tips helpful. There are lots more resources on our website under blog and reports and our founder Mandie Holgate‘s Website, who will be selling her books. Ooo did you see what we did there!
See you at Our Big Christmas Events this December!
When it comes to a speaking engagement I like to think of my audience, Who are they? What do they want? What do they need? etc., etc.
And as I go through this process it’s inevitable for me that I start to think of my clients. My theory being if is an issue for one person it stands to be an issue for another. So using my anecdotes in key note addresses really connects with my audience….(could be some advice in there about marketing right?)
So as I prepare for a speaking engagement I’m reminded of the number of people that I’ve coached this month who have all in one format or another showed the same underlining issue that is detrimentally damaging their success.
Do you want to know what that is?
Really want to know?
Because when I tell you, many of you will stop, look up as if thinking (because you are thinking) and say to yourself….”Wow is this me too?”
The fact is for so many people in business you have the big goals and ambitions and work hard to achieve them. And then one day (for those this impacts, as if by magic) you start to get results.
And then as your business grows and more people want in, (again as if by magic) you start to get asked to share your knowledge, speak at conferences, comment in the press or head hunted for a great new opportunity.
Business Coach Mandie Holgate and Susan Pattrick from Dancing Giraffe spent time thinking and contemplating…if only someone had told them what to contemplate!
And instead of saying “Wow, well done me, look at what I’ve achieved.”The natural state to rush to is “Oh no, wait until they find out its just me!”
What stops a successful business woman who has achieved so much from not accepting success?
Why do people dismiss their successes and acknowledge their failures?
So I challenge you to be honest with yourself, do you dismiss your successes like you do a compliment? Have you ever said any of the following;
“What this old thing, I’ve had it for years.”
“Anyone could do what I’ve done really.”
“I don’t know why they chose us, just right, place right time I suppose.”
“My competitors are just as good at this really.”
“I don’t know why they asked me.”
“I suppose I was just lucky.”
Then I wouldn’t mind betting that you allow your brain to accept and acknowledge your failures and yet you don’t praise and accept your successes with the same level of passion.
You don’t need a coach by your side to know if you do this and the impact that this can have on your success. Do you worry that you are going to get found out?
I will be honest with you here, its something I too have had to address. For me I always felt like I was a 5 year old in my Mum’s dress up clothes. Even when the Home Office invited me to hear an address by the Home Secretary on Women’s success I asked the lady if she knew it was just Mandie Holgate from little old Mersea island?
Come on ladies, we don’t have to start strutting around like that insurance advert in skin tight demin shorts, swishing our hair shouting “because we are worth it”. However you do need an internal belief, that says “You go girl!” “Yeah Me!” “Wow look what I can achieve!”
I agree there is a fine line between arrogance and confidence, however when there is so much stacked up against you and your success, why add You to the pile of negativity?
I will be speaking at the Big Chelmsford Business Showcase on the 18th November about Making It Happen and The BWN are stand Number 33, So see you there. To learn more book here.
Everything begins as an idea. However, what use is an idea if you don’t follow up with action.
Let me tell you my story in a nutshell.
I left a well paid job in the City in October 2013 to research my first business idea – setting up a recruitment and selection training business supporting hiring managers to protect their businesses against financial, legal and reputational risk and support candidates through the interview process and ultimately getting that job offer.
I was really passionate, enthusiastic and driven – that’s all I needed to start a business right? Okay I wasn’t completely naïve I knew starting my own business from scratch was going to be tough and I’d probably end up doing longer hours than my days in the city.
I was right – I spent most of my time writing up fantastic training programmes, workshops, courses, materials, manuals, setting up a website, writing hundreds of content rich pages, wrote regular blogs and great and interesting newsletters. I even spent my time writing three books and was co-author to another.
However, I quickly ran out of time and yes you guessed it…money. I was trying to be a marketeer, an accountant, a book keeper, a programme designer, a credit controller, business developer, an administrator and the list goes on and on. I was very much working in my business.
Being a naturally cautious person and starting a business don’t exactly align well and after testing the first business idea for about a year I felt I’d taken enough risk and decided to go back to work. After all I was a better employee than a business owner.
I’m a great advocate for positively framing an experience that didn’t get the desired results. I learnt so much about what was actually needed to run a business and since going back to work I’ve supported two start-up businesses in the city with hundreds of employees each. In fact one of the businesses had 150 employees working on the website alone! So I don’t feel so bad about not be able to achieve my ambitious objectives.
Having understood how much work, effort, energy, time and money it took to start a business I was open to the idea of a business with low set up costs, low risk and a business model that had the potential of creating a residual income in the longer term. Do the work once and get paid over and over again. I really liked the idea of the residual income so I joined Utility Warehouse as a distributor and was able to do this along-side the day job.
One thing I did enjoy and very much wanted to continue to do to grow my Utility Warehouse business was getting out and about locally to network with other business owners. I really understood the value of good networking skills and really enjoyed building relationships, building trust and credibility. Much better than cold calling!
One networking event that particularly stood out from the others because of its personal development master class was The Business Woman’s Network. When you attend one of Mandie’s events you know you are going to be made to feel welcome. Mandie goes out of her way to connect businesses and keep you up to date with local and relevant news and events.
However, it was impossible to find a networking group to fit with the Monday to Friday 9 to 5 job. So after much searching for a group that met at weekends I was about to give up on the idea. However, a friend of mine suggested I write a post on Facebook.
“I’m looking to gauge an initial interest in setting up a local (Colchester) networking group on Saturdays. Yes I know your weekends are very precious! Would really welcome your views, opinions or suggestions please?”
Little did I know at the time Mandie (the founder of BWN) had already put her plans to launch new networking groups across the UK into action – Get Paid to Network. Mandie responded to my post minutes after I’d hit send.
“I would be more than happy to discuss. I’m actively looking for people who want to get paid to network.”
The thought of actually setting up my own networking group really excited me and even better to get the support, guidance and mentoring from an already successful networker and business coach and to do all this under an already successful brand.
We met in June for a coffee and I attended the June and July BWN events in Five Lakes, Maldon and started generating the interest and creating some noise about becoming one of Mandie’s new coordinators– there was no stopping me! I’ve got to say it’s probably the easiest decision I’ve ever made in business (apart from joining Utility Warehouse of course!). I know Mandie is genuinely passionate about the success of everyone she works with and that shows in everything she says and does.
I am so excited to be starting out on this wonderful journey knowing I have so much support around me.
“Had a fabulous time yesterday at the North Essex Saturday Business Woman’s Network event with Networking No No’s & Know How Master Class. Met some lovely ladies and learnt a massive amount from Mandie” Louisa Goldstone-Smith – Colchester Scentsy.
“Such a good morning…well done Dawn for organising…you were amazing!” Lydia Adams of Lydia’s Luscious Lashes.
“Fabulous time at the first BWN Saturday morning networking group. Feel honoured to be part of this special group of inspirational women. Huge thanks to Dawn who I watched buzzing around.” Kerry Rose, Forever Living Products.
“Dawn is definitely the hostess with the mostess!” Jo Jarvis, Utility Warehouse.
“It was a fab meeting Dawn – and great to meet Mandie Holgate. Picked up lots of brilliant advice. Looking forward to the next event” Jenny Thackray, SMARTPA.
Hope to see you at the next event 24th October – How to be an Effective Leader with Cherry Allen, HR, Training and Coaching Expert.
Small businesses face challenges every day that can put them at risk and which need to be dealt with before they become problematic, cost money or lead to opportunities being lost. All of which can effect business growth, so it’s no wonder that the UK’s leading business organisation, the Federation of Small Businesses who supports businesses across the country and has its 200,000 members in the forefront of their mind when it packs a real punch when it brings its voice to Government in the UK and Europe.
The benefits package that the FSB offers are unrivalled but attracting those small businesses to the membership is no small feat, so bringing that support to the small business community are a team of Member Advisors, self employed / business owners, are the very people FBS seek to encourage to its membership. I’m Angela Lock and I am one of these people, acting as a Membership Advisor as well as looking after my own business interests.
With an early career in retail management I moved into the world of recruitment and later established my own consultancy, specialising in senior retail operations for both major high street and out of town retailers and preferred supplier to brands such as IKEA, Asda, House of Fraser, Hobbs and the Arcadia Group. Also during this period together with my husband developing a property portfolio, before moving into project management supporting businesses in a range of sectors, including a period in Welfare to Work.
Still having an interest in property but also a love of nature and of the outdoors a recent venture has been converting a cart lodge into a rural retreat which has received a Visit England, Quality in Tourism 4 Star Gold Award and so after being a Member of the FSB for a number of years in August 2014 I became the Membership Advisor of North and West Essex and Herts.
Angela visits businesses across her territory and is among the top performing membership advisors for the FSB, speaking at training seminars and network events as well as visiting businesses on a one-to-one basis, playing her part in ensuring that the FSB remains the largest business organisation in the UK
The FSB looks to business people like Angela to raise awareness and ensure business owners are fully briefed when it comes to the support mechanisms, benefits that it has in place as well as activities and events that it organises or sponsors such as The Business Womens Network summer event. Angela herself joined the FSB because ‘It’s very reassuring to know that when a legal issue arises I can immediately turn to the FSB and that advise is just a phone call away. They are on hand to help in so many ways and although I do not have any employees anymore, I have still found the legal team very supportive of a few personal disputes I’ve experienced. Not only that, Tax investigation Insurance is a real must for any business these days and not only does that FSB provide this as part of the Rights of Membership but its provides peace of mind and the reassurance that one needs as the tax team are there every step of the way and deal with HMRC on your behalf’ . The Federation of Small Businesses also adds her voice to the many other of thousands it has when it takes its messages to Government. Messages that come from the membership through Big Voice, the FSB’s online research community. Big Voice is unique amongst the business organisations, and makes the FSB the Voice of Small Business in the UK
The FSB website is a wealth of information for business owners www.fsb.org.uk and to find out about membership call Angela on 07899 843583 or email angela.lock@fsb.org.uk
Thank you for sharing Angela, If you are a member of the BWN (which means you pay no membership fee just for the events you wish to attend this year in one go – so we can spend our time promoting you and your business and not dealing with admin, click here to learn more.)
Louisa knows The Business Woman’s Network events very well and is one of our positive advocates. In fact she attended the very 1st BWN meeting six years ago.
We are so pleased that she has decided to join us once again at the launch of our Saturday Events with her new venture and here she is telling us her story.
What made you set up as an Independent Scentsy Consultant?
I first found out about Scentsy at a local fair where I was given a sample. I could not believe how much I wanted to keep smelling this little bag with a small wax tester! The fragrance was so addictive and heavenly. I just had to have it for myself. I really was in my element when I had my 100 testers arrive to sniff in my starter kit!
Previously I have had so much trouble trying to find a fragrance that lasts in the house without causing my breathing problems to flare up; Non-toxic Scentsy wax warmers won hands down and I’ve had no breathing problems since.
How many years have you been in business?
I started in August this year.
What do you love most about running your own business?
Scentsy is pressure free and fits alongside my 3 children while I can enjoy scents till my heart’s content. I joined Scentsy because there isn’t any competition and I can work my own hours. Since joining up I have been able to solve one of my biggest problems – not getting enough sleep. I put French lavender wax in my warmer for my daughter and myself and we have been able to fall asleep naturally very quickly!
What do you hate most about running your own business?
I find it difficult to have the confidence to introduce my business and products to people. I know that it will take practice to feel at ease and getting out meeting people will do the trick.
Could you be living in fear within your business? Seems unlikely, right? Well actually many business women fear public speaking, cold calling, networking just for starters. Others procrastinate over accounts or legal matters for fear of getting it wrong, so they do nothing instead. Follow our 4 step process here: Are you Living in Fear?
What benefits do you get from networking?
I used to network in my previous businesses and I made some great contacts and friends, but it’s not just business, it’s a real social experience and its fun!
What was the reason that you decided to exhibit at The BWN?
I attended The BWN’s 1st networking meeting 6 years ago and I was hooked. The women were just like me! Intelligent, interested in similar subjects and so sociable, it felt more relaxed and less pressurized than other networking groups. So for me the BWN is always my starting place when I start a business, the girls give me the confidence to pursue my dreams.
What do you see the future holding for your Scentsy business?
I seek just happiness because when you’re happy, everything falls into place.
Here are the contact details for Louisa and feel free to follow her on Facebook and Twitter:
Twitter: LouisaGS Media
Facebook: Scentsy Colchester
Website: Colchester Scentsy
How can it be that one business woman can walk into a room full of networkers and gain a new lead and an opportunity and another walks out despondent thinking “What did I do wrong?”
Personally I’ve walked into a new networking group that I’ve never attended before and gained a new client. I know that it is not about expecting that, that it is about building good relationships, growing your network to raise your profile, improve brand awareness and get known as the thought leader in your industry, so that when someone is ready to buy it is you they buy from. However it is not a one off that I’ve gained new business on my first visit to a networking event.
So here is my top tip guide as a sneaky peek to 2 of the speaking engagements I have at the BWN this Autumn. I like to keep my speaking engagements relevant, interactive and packed with real time solutions, so feel free to bring your questions for me to answer for you on the day.
And remember if you get the above right. If you come across in a genuine, useful and friendly way then people won’t let you fade from their minds. If you rearrange the above top tips the first letter of each word will spell the word Fades, and trust me that is the last thing you want to see happen that you fade from peoples minds. That would be a waste of your time and money and could jeopardise your business success, and who wants that?
I look forward to seeing you at our September line up of events. Check out our home page to see what is coming up in your area. Don’t see what you are looking for? Then let’s talk about bringing the BWN to your area and helping you to get paid to network.
Following our new series of interviews with BWN member’s (to be a member you just have to turn up every month. Learn more here ) here we meet new Saturday North Essex Coordinator Dawn Moss.
What made you join Utility Warehouse as a partner?
I signed up as a customer with Utility Warehouse (The Discount Club) in March 2014 having just started my first home based business (Your Interview Coach!) because at the time it was extremely important for me to reduce my outgoings. I was so happy with the savings and service that I decided to join The Discount Club as a partner because I wanted to share all the benefits with my personal network.
I immediately saw the benefit of a business model that builds a residual income. Longer term this residual income will create more time for me to do the things I’m really passionate about (volunteering, coaching, training, horse riding, travelling across Europe and beyond!!)
I’ve always enjoyed supporting people to improve their lives in some way – so for me it was a no brainer to show home owners how they too could reduce their household bills with little effort on the services they already use – so they can spend their hard earned income on the nicer things in life (holidays, weekend’s away, family days out, meals out, etc).
How many years have you been in business?
I’ve been a business partner with Utility Warehouse since September 2014.
What do you love most about running your own business?
I like meeting new people and its rewarding being able to share the benefits of the business with my friends, family and business associates alike and there are lots of benefits – Savings, Simplicity, & Award Winning Customer Service.
What do you hate most about running your own business?
I’m not very good at cold calling – luckily there are lots of other options to grow a business that don’t require making those dreaded calls most people hate receiving!
What benefits do you get from networking?
I really enjoy building long term relationships and getting to know people in both formal and informal environments. For me networking is the best and most effective way of building trust and credibility. I’ve also been lucky enough to make some very good friends through networking.
What was the reason that you decided to be a member at The BWN?
The BWN has gained a very good reputation over the years (all credit to its founder Mandie Holgate) and I’ve always heard good feedback from the women who have attended the events.
What really works for me is that there is the right balance between having a structured format and time to have genuine conversations and network informally.
There’s always a slot for personal development and a chance to gain valuable information for running your business from the wonderful expert speakers.
The BWN events also offer a variety of options to promote and present your business – from a 60 second promo slot, to sponsoring an event or having your own stand.
There is also a guaranteed warm welcome to everyone attending the events – I like that too!
What do you see the future holding for your business?
I’m very excited about the future (putting the BWN Saturday Networking Events aside!) I’m very much looking forward to growing my business and showing as many people as possible the benefits of joining the discount club and I’m also very focused on recruiting more driven and enthusiastic people to join my existing team.
All members are welcome to answer these 7 questions and feature in our blog along with on our social media and you may even get a mention in our newsletter too. Just send your answers to us at info@thebusinesswomansnetwork.co.uk
The next session of the WEConnect Academy is taking place in London next week and Maggie Berry would like to offer 1 free place to one of our members.
The place can only be offered to a business that is majority owned by one or more women (minimum 51%) and ideally they will have a corporate / B2B product or service (as these are the businesses that we most effectively support).
As a result of working with WEConnect one of our Essex members Nelly Mhangami
from Business Apps Plus is working with a multinational organisation.
If you would like this opportunity please contact Maggie Berry – mberry@weconnectinternational.org and Maggie will send them the sign up details.
This is the BIG Event Details;
The WEConnect Academy: SME Development Programme for Europe, 8.30am to 12pm on Thursday 9th July 2015, London
In order to be competitive in the current business climate, small businesses and large businesses need to work together more effectively to generate societal and economic value. WEConnect International’s corporate members in Europe have identified elements of their core expertise which they would like to share in order to help you to strengthen and grow your business and to increase your opportunities and ability to compete for business.
The SME Development Programme for Europe is being delivered in conjunction with WEConnect International’s enterprise education partner, IESE Business School.
The two sessions being presented on the 9th July are: “How to succeed in managing projects: avoid the well-known traps in the project life cycle” presented by Professor Ribera, Professor of Production, Technology and Operations Management at the IESE Business School The purpose of this talk is to examine the most common causes of project failure so that we are able to detect them and prevent them from affecting our own projects. Prof. Ribera will list the common traps experienced throughout the project lifecycle from the selection and definition of which projects to undertake, through to the planning, execution and monitoring phases as well as the closure stage all the while learning from successes and failures in order to develop better ways to do projects in the future. and “The importance of new ideas and the importance of cash!” presented by John Collins, Sales Director at Enterprise FLEX E RENT John is the Sales Director for Enterprise FLEX E RENT, part of Enterprise Rent a Car, the largest rental company in the world with a turnover of $20bn, still privately held and a WEConnect International corporate member. John’s own business journey has taken him to the very highs and very lows of business ownership and his story and experience is both inspirational and uplifting as well as a cautionary tale and he will take us through all of his challenges and experiences. He will give you a better understanding of how to sell in your business; share a way that a simple idea can be packaged and could revolutionise your business; teach you how to deal with investors, both corporate and private, and how to communicate with them and uncover the challenges associated with taking a business from a small beginning (with just three members of staff) to managing communication as the business grows (in John’s case to over 3,500 employees).
Full details of the programme including venue can be found online here: http://www.weconnecteurope.org/event/weconnect-academy-sme-development-programme-europe-1
So if you feel your businesss fits the criteria and that you could benefit this event for free, please get in touch with Maggie Berry. Executive Director for Europe WEConnect International
Email: mberry@weconnectinternational.org
Twitter: @WEConnectEurope
LinkedIn: WEConnect International in Europe
Facebook: WEConnect International in Europe
Website: weconnectinternational.org
Here Gayle Berry from Blossom and Berry shares her passion for helping others as her business success escalates, Gayle is ensuring her success helps others too. A true Stella Woman!
“I am donating all my business income this week to a small charity called Love Support Unite, www.lovesupportunite.org.
“Why?” you may say. Well, it is small charity week this week and I had the good fortune to meet the organisers of this grass roots charity 18 months ago by buying a pair of LOVE SPECS which are magical glasses which make you see hearts where there are lights. LOVE SPECS are the main fundraising tool for Love Support Unite who run an orphanage for 34 girls in Lilongwe, Malawi. All profits from LOVE SPECS go to changing lives and they are sold at all the major UK festivals to generate income.
I was totally blown away by the determination and vision of the two young women running the charity from their caravan in Brighton. They are two of the most incredible people I have ever met. I am so grateful our paths crossed. What I have learnt from working with them and the other inspirational people behind the charity is to see the potential in everything, to dream big, to be determined and never give up. To give yourself 100% to something you believe in. To give energy to a project to create momentum and impact. These incredible skills and talents have inspired me and moved me in my personal and business life. I see the world differently now.
Love Support Unite are special. They built a school for 200 children in just 7 days last year from engaging 30 incredible volunteer builders who fundraised to go to Malawi and get the project done. Because of their vision and inspiration 200 children now go to school, 6 volunteer teachers have posts, the community is enriched and will be sustainable in the next year. I find this amazing and I want to be a part of this and support it. The vision of Love Support Unite literally created education for children who there was none. The children in the village now have a more inspired and supported future.
I have also had the opportunity to create my own project with Love Support Unite. My business Blossom & Berry has created a safe motherhood and infant massage teaching scheme which goes out to communities to help give post natal support and safeguard mother and infant help. We now have 6 volunteer teachers who go to women’s groups in rural Malawi every week to teach. These women are in extreme poverty and come to the classes to receive food and support. We also work with hospital staff to teach parents massage for children with special needs and we run a foster care home for children in the community to provide refuge.
So back to creating some magic…….
Every person who enrols on one of my courses this week will receive our usual high quality fully accredited training in infant massage to enable them to start their own flexible business and their course fee will go to Love Support Unite to help them complete their sustainable school project.
I want to donate £3750.00. That is 10 enrolments on my courses. 10 women or men in the UK who will receive training to start their own supportive enterprise in the UK means 3 houses can be built for local teachers who walk 5 hours a day to teach or training for 2000 women in crop growing.
Can you help me spread the word?
If you know of anyone wanting to start their own business, this is the week to enrol with us. We are going to make even more MAGIC happen xxx. Thank you, Gayle.”
A business opportunity for you that helps others too, so please Business women, spread the word!
After being a Police Officer for nearly 30 years (As I write this I have 194 days left to go!!!) The time came for me to start thinking of life outside of the ‘job’…It’s all I’ve ever known, I joined the cadets as a fresh faced 16 year old and the regulars at 18…My life thus far dedicated to trying to help others and make a small part of the world a safer place. I am only 48, too young to retire, but I wanted to find something that would take me on the next part of my life journey.
My husband retired from the police in 2009 and spent the first 18 months, recovering from 31 years of shifts and twiddling his thumbs before he followed his passion for photography and became a qualified Wedding Photographer….’Come and work with me’ he said…..’No chance’ I replied, ‘I’d cut heads and feet off…I’d rather marry people…..’
So the old cogs started whirring and I stumbled across the Fellowship of Professional Celebrants, the organisation I trained with in 2011…My 5 year pre retirement plan was in place….
I am now a Wedding and Family Celebrant.
What is one of those I hear a lot of people ask……No I’m not a celibate…(although I am an old married woman so that probably goes with the territory!)
What I do, is wonderful and fulfilling, creating a ceremony that is truly reflective of the couples and families that I now have the pleasure of working with.
It’s a role I can combine with the day job and it gives me so much pleasure I don’t see it as a job…..People actually WANT to invite me into their home to discuss the biggest day of their lives and to tell me their life story.
I write and deliver bespoke Weddings, Vow Renewals, Naming and Adoption Ceremonies….In fact if you can think of an excuse to have a family celebration I can write a ceremony to reflect the love and feelings we humans can have for each other (and even the pets).
A Celebrant led wedding can be held anywhere, it does not require a licensed venue. It can include anything you wish from the secular to the spiritual.
I’ve conducted Weddings at a Zoo, In a Stately home, back gardens and Jimmy’s Farm.
The have ranged from fairly formal and traditional to Pagan and Steam Punk.
Your imagination really is your only limitation!
Everyone is different, everyone has a unique story to tell, I get to hear those stories, write a script and deliver them with warmth and humour. AND I can honestly say that all of the feedback I have thus far received has been amazing.
So as my retirement from my day job rapidly looms, I feel as ready as I can be for the transition, into a new career. A job that is so different but I think equally rewarding.
I can’t end without a shout out to Mandie and the BWN. I’m so glad that I have found her and her organisation.
I’ve learnt so much from the meetings I’ve attended so far this year…My Linkedin profile is generating contacts and views I never thought possible from just a few suggested tweaks, and the networking opportunities at the meetings have been second to none. I can’t wait until the end of the year when I can commit to attending the meetings properly…..That darn day job interfering again!
So……..What will your story be?
P.S. ….DESPERATELY looking for someone to book me for a Harry Potter themed wedding…I have the wand and the cloak….Just need the excuse……
(It’s great to have you on board Michelle and wish you every success with your new job, and will the Harry Potter wedding have a Hagrid and Dementors? We can’t wait to find out!)