
Category Archives for "blog"

Meet Sue, A BWN Business Woman, A Specialist in her field…

Every month we will introduce you to business women you can expect to meet at the BWN. If you would like to be highlighted so that at the next networking event, people have a ton of questions, ideas, synergies and opportunities for you, get in touch.


“Hi My name is Sue Cook I work with spectrum disorders treating dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD, dyscalculia, Aspergers and some autism and mutism.I am pretty much the only person in the uk using these brain rewiring techniques, though there are a handful of neurodevelopmentalists in the country. 

Children who are struggling at school or have been diagnosed with one of mentioned conditions, often do very well on my programme which rebuilds nerve pathways in the brain and corrects the source of the problem rather than treating symptoms. 

The brain learns through physical movement, and so the techniques I use involve movements that are specifically targeted to create or mend specific nerve pathways with astonishing accuracy. 

It’s like scalpel free brain surgery.

This is possible because the brain is plastic, that means, it can be changed/affected by stimuli.

Nerve growth factors are released when new movements are happening in the body. For example, when we are learning to drive, at first it is difficult as we learn, this is when new nerve pathways are being created. When the movements have become automatic that is when the nerve pathways have become hard wired. 

This same principle is used to help a child learn to read; there are sensory/nerve problems which are preventing correct interpretation of visual and sensory stimuli. So we correct it. Simple.

When my son was diagnosed with dyslexia, I was told there was nothing we could do and we had to learn to live with it. I refused to believe this. And i was determined to help my son. 

I found a woman in Oregon who is probably the world’s authority on neurodevelopment and she agreed to train me to help my son because I already had a health science degree and an interest in the brain.

I helped my son and news travelled fast, other parents who saw my son’s progress began telling their friends. My phone started to ring and i built an accidental practice. Now four years later I treat patients all over the world, I am a regular guest on the radio and I speak at conferences. Also I have added to the world of neurodevelopment by coming up with my own theories in neuroscience and neurodevelopment which the head of my old university was so impressed by, he wants me lecture at the university as well as research my ideas which would revolutionise the treatment of spectrum disorders.

If you know of anyone who has a child with learning difficulties please remember me as I would love to help that child work towards leading a life free from learning hinderances.

 I have recently moved to kelvedon and I have a new mobile: 07730 188536

 I am also a degreed classical homoeopath with 15 years in practice; my friends call me the number one people fixer. 

Feel free to contact me about your health issues and I’ll do my absolute best as always to maintain your health.

I am freezing my 2011 prices for the next six weeks for Business Women’s network referrals.

 My new clinic in kelvedon is in the high street and I have plenty of parking in my drive. It is very convenient. 

I look forward to helping you or your family with your health or brain issues, 

Sue Cook BSc. Honours Lic LCCH”

Thanks for sharing Sue, we look forward seeing you at the BWN in January.


  • December 23, 2011

Running own business? Give up & get a job!

If you run your owns business you’re bound to have had days where you think – Why AM I Doing This?

It can be lonely.


Hard work with little satisfaction.



Soul destroying.

Disappointing. The list is pretty long!
But don’t forget it can also be a rewarding and a fantastic one.

So how do you deal with those “aaaaaaahhhhh!” days?

Never forget why you went into business, your vision, your passion – it’s all still there, reignite it by remembering everything this career choice gives you.

List the negatives, what’s your top bug bear? Is it email mountains, admin in-trays or social media overload? Outsourcing the jobs that don’t directly pay can free up your time & more importantly your mind and energy to concentrate on the success of your business.

Having no boss has so many advantages but if you did what would they say should be your top priority? A boss also is there to acknowledge your achievements, so if you don’t give yourself a pat on the back, who else will?

Remember to ask yourself lots of questions ALWAYS. Asking good questions leads to good answers – get noisy and always question what is the best course of action, what do you need to be doing? What’s – When’s and How’s.

Who can you rely on to motivate and inspire you? Who will support you and pick you up again – social networking, a coffee with a friend, networking, business meetings, mentoring, coaching – what will you rely on?

Knowing what motivates and inspires you will spur you on – so the next time you have a tough day – You Will be Ready for it!

  • December 20, 2011

Ladies from The Business Womans Network strike a pose for Essex Life magazine

Some very lucky BWN business women had a great day out and a great opportunity to promote their business for free in Essex Life – that covers the whole of Essex. Here Lauren Godfrey and Holly Eells from Essex Life tell us more… 

Ladies from The Business Womans Network (BWN) took time out of their busy schedules to volunteer as models at Essex Life magazine’s fashion shoot at the Waltham Abbey Marriot Hotel.

After Mandie Holgate, founder of the BWN, organised for 26 business women to pose nude for a 2012 charity calendar for Farleigh Hospice, Essex Life asked if they would like to be featured in their January issue. The shoot featured business attire from quadrant, the Chelmsford department store, a stark contrast to the last time these ladies had been in front of the camera.

Hair and make-up artists Sophie Murray and Victoria Poland, did a fantastic job enhancing the ladies natural beauty and giving them a look to impress in the boardroom.

The BWN Nude Calendar

Susan Pattrick, a disability specialist and director of SMP Consultancy was up first, in a gorgeous Elvi turquoise blouse and navy suit trousers, finished off with a green printed scarf.

Next was Mandie Holgate, who sported a fashionable black and white printed wrap dress by Planet, and oversized black patent bag by Jane Shilton, one which she hinted at wanting to keep.

Tina Walker, founder ofLiberty! VA Services, looked stunning in a black Eastex jacket with camel piping and beige skirt assemble, with a pair of Barlette shoes by Jane Shilton.

Julie Binder, graphic and web designer and also founder of jbinderdesign, looked elegant in a striking purple dress and matching jacket, accessorised with a Jane Shilton bag and shoes.

Claire Jakes, a director of Pampered Chef and also a nursing supervisor assistant for newborns, brightened the day with a deep pink jacket and suit trousers, teamed with a printed floral top.

Finally, Karen Broughton, a franchise owner of theSouth Essexbranch of Enchanted Childcare Nanny Agency, looked very sophisticated in a matching black and white dogtooth jacket and skirt, worn with a chunky black beaded necklace.

Don’t miss all the pictures in the January edition of Essex Life magazine.

Another chance to get promoted in Essex Life coming up in March – come along to a BWN event to learn more!Essex Life

Only 40 Calendars left so if you want to get your hands on one of these gorgeous calendars for someone you know this Christmas – filled with inspirational quotes as well as 26 naked ladies – get in touch 07989935556 / 01206 381482




  • December 13, 2011

I ask not what you can do for the charity, but what can the charity do for you?

Jo Hockey shares with us why its good for your business to get to know your local charities;

“I will start with a little story that really quite shocked me when I attended my first network meeting as a charity employee.

Having run my own business and also after spending many years working for large financial services companies, I was no stranger to networking meetings. I liked the buzz of walking into a room full of people you had not met before and making connections with different people from all walks of life. Indeed, I have some very great friends who I have met through networking meetings over the years.

I went to my first networking meeting representing Headway Essex, feeling quite buoyant and full of expectation. Having grabbed my coffee, I started to look around the room for any people looking open to join in conversation. A woman caught my eye and smiled and off I went to start to chat. I had no visible signs around me to say that I worked for a charity, so I guess I lulled her into a false sense of security! “Hello” I said, “I am Joanne Hockey and I work” for Headway Essex. “Ooh” said the woman “Headway Essex, what do they do?”  “We are a charity who provides support for people with acquired brain injury”. Not even managing to mask the look of disappointment on her face, she then went on in a flustered way to say, “I am sorry but we have already given away some of our products for free for charities and can’t do anything to help you”.  “Oh” I said, a little taken aback “funny” I thought “I just wanted to find out about you and your company”       

Afterwards I started to think. “Was this one off or do others feel the same when they find they are talking to someone from a charity?”

This prompted me to write this blog to highlight the opportunities that a Charity can offer to businesses.

Headway Essex is a charity but it still has to be run like a business;

  • We pay rent and rates and have to maintain our premises
  • We have to pay for utilities
  • We need office equipment
  • We need office furniture
  • We need specialist equipment at our day centre
  • We need insurance
  • We need computers
  • We need IT support
  • We have a kitchen at our day centre that needs supplies for attendee’s lunches
  • For Events we need;
    • Venues
    • Audio Visual Equipment
    • Food & Beverages
    • Table decorations
    • Entertainment
    • Photographers
    • Promotional materials
    • Flyer and ticket printing

……………….the list goes on. We may get the odd item donated, but as a rule, we have to generate funds to pay for all these things. We need to get these things at the right level of quality and a reasonable cost – as would any other business. We do not expect anything free (however it is nice if this is offered, occasionally!)

So what other opportunities are there for businesses to work in partnership with us?

EVENTS – We run several high profile events each year including our black tie ball, which attracts over 200 important and influential guests, who gather for a lavish evening at The Fennes Estate in Bocking Braintree. Companies involved in sponsoring the event or providing auction lots receive excellent publicity both on the night and on leading up to the event through our marketing and publicity to our database of supporters. We also hand out goody bags to everyone at the end of the evening with our contributor’s promotional items and flyers.

We also have events where local small business come along and sell their products and beauty and alternative health therapists come to promote their businesses. Most have generated several new business leads because of these.

Referrals – We have people who have offered services to us for free, or at a reduced rate and as a result have generated new business on the back of this with our recommendation.

Publicity – We have a great relationship with local press and can generate some great publicity for people you want to get involved with the charity. Last year in Action for Brain Injury week, we had a full two page spread in the Essex County Standard with photographs of some of the businesses who took part in our “Hats for Headway” campaign.

Oh and let us not forget – We have a database of over 2,500 supporters! 

So next time you talk to somebody at a Networking event and he or she says that they work for a charity – please do not overlook them. You may lose out on a fantastic opportunity for your business.”

To learn more about Headway Essex, Connect with Jo Hockey or give a local charity a Tweet – or spot Jo at a BWN Essex event soon.

Don’t forget all charities can access permanent discounts at The BWN and can take advantage of getting crisp £5 notes with Getting paid to network – learn more here –




  • December 5, 2011

What should be on my business card?….

….Asked a fabulous business woman this morning on Twitter, and since I’m stuck in bed having used up too many spoons (ask @ClareLauwerys about that – its to do with your health and ME) after a great night of partying Friday night as we were finalists in the Colchester Business Awards (no shiny awards but 3 categories – Excellence in Marketing, New Company and Highly Commended.)

So I have the time to answer personally.

So what should be on your business card. A great place to start is to ask people who you know will give you a genuine answer. Your Nan maybe your biggest fan but her critique of your business card may not be as sound as a fellow business woman at a networking event. So take along your current one and be brave.

The thing to remember is your business card needs to be a key to people wanting to know more. You know how the 60 second elevator pitch is “What you do to get someone to want your business card” Well your business card is the “What you do to get people to want to keep it and use it”. And that means creating a desire to keep in touch, and to keep up to date on all you do.

Things to consider are:

If you are using social media effectively make it easy for people to connect with you and have your links there – especially if your picture doesn’t give it away.

Testimonials are great – but not too many.

What your clients get – remember this is not what you do – this is what they get. You don’t walk into the butchers and say “Hey I would love a dead pig sandwich please do you?” So saying what customers get can be very powerful.

A great tag line is great – but only if it adds meaning – for instance ours is “As Passionate About Your Success As You.” And BWN business women KNOW it! So what is powerful for you?

As the fab business woman that contacted us via Twitter said “Less is defintely more” but if you are struggling to work out which words are most powerful – list them all and then get feedback from other people – You are always welcome to use the BWN social media to gain feedback (you can access that on the home page of the website.) Business women do love to support the success of each other, and in doing this, you are still raising awareness to you and your brand and what you do. So before your new business cards are even printed, people will be knowing you and your business.

Pictures and images – are they relevant? As pretty as a beach or a flower is, does it have any obvious meaning to you and what you do? If not is it taking away from your overall message?

Most importantly ensure your contact details are clear and obvious and Tiny writing is a hate – so don’t do it.

Hope that helps – for more ideas just get in touch – thats our job!

My names Mandie Holgate and I am the coordinator for Essex – There are other fabulous coordinators in our team and we are looking to grow across the UK, since we know what The BWN genuinely results in more business, more skills and more confidence.
So do get in touch anytime – 07989935556



  • November 28, 2011

Are You in Love With Your Website?

As the title asked, seriously are you in love with your website?

Unfortunately the question is not if you are in love with your website but are your customers?

And more importantly, your potential customers.

Many of you already know that it takes about 3 seconds to work out if the website you are on is going to be useful so what are you doing to ensure visitors fall in love at first site?

Is it interactive? (Blogs, ideas, newsletter sign up, questionaires, reports, eBooks – can people easily learn more without having to talk directly to you – remember people want to buy when they are ready.)

Is it automatically interactive? (You need to be off earning the money, and that can’t happen if you are constantly replying to people – autoresponders will be a godsend.)

Can they get free stuff from you? (Getting known as the thought leader in your field is an ideal way of ensuring that when people are ready to buy its you they buy from.)

Are your contact details easily found? (You will be surprised by how lazy we all can be, and how easily we get turned off of the idea of picking up the phone or getting in touch.)

Is your social media links easy to access? (And tempting enough.)

Is your website too wordy? (Something that is too wordy will numb the pants off of your audience – sorry I never did go to subtle school, but short punchy relevant sentences are key – think inside your favourite customers head, what were they saying to you before you saved the day? They are the words you need to be using.)

If you have products and services are they even best served by words – many bypass Google altogether to get their answers, heading straight to YouTube and as fabulously corporate as it is to have a £1000 professional video, capturing your passion, energy and talent on film is a great way to bring you into someones office or home. Remember when surfing the net not everyone wants to read a ton of words – images and video are key.

And lastly if you don’t know the answer to these – ask your potential customers – What do you think of my website? Remember if you don’t ask you don’t get, so asking what people think is the key to knowledge and the key to finding out what & how people will fall in love with your website……and that leads to falling in love with you and all that you do and that leads to sales – Love it!

(This blog came out of my thoughts after 2 coaching sessions with clients this week and as I prepare for The Marketing Business Clinic this morning – hope you find it useful – for more ideas feel free to get in touch 07989935556 – because I just love hearing from you!)


  • November 23, 2011

An Idea to Get The Obstacles Out Of The Way Of Your Success

In life you know how you get so used to something and then you cast your mind back and you can’t remember when that first came into your life?

Well that’s what it’s like for me with my best friend. If you knew me, you would know that my best friends in life tend to be my hubby and family (sad but true) but years ago this woman came into my life and just always seemed to be there. And today I thank the universe for that.

But then today is a special day. 3 years ago today Clare right now was having a lung transplanted – that’s tough enough, but when you take into account the numerous false starts Clare had before she finally got the transplant and how Clare couldn’t walk anywhere without an oxygen tank and a rather groovy granny scooter you really appreciate how lucky we are to have this fab woman around.

Clare was there when I was seriously ill with depression, when I had my 2nd child, when I set up the BWN. Clare designed and loving created the BWN website – she stood by me as the BWN grew (and along the way I ensured that everyone knew how amazing her websites are – actually to the point whereby recently she told me to stop sending her clients – love effective networking.)

But why am I telling you this?

Well recently I have been working on a national level looking at the issues that affect women in business. And ensuring that the Home Office and the Bank of England know the issues that affect busienss women. Childcare, broadband, fuel costs, old boy networks, glass ceilings, lack of opportunities, sexism, racism the list is long. But when you meet business women like Clare you realise that if you have passion, determination and dedication it doesn’t matter what obstacles there are. You find a way forward to success.

However big the obstacle you find a way to get the results you want.

If you want to interact and know a fabulous business woman (who also happens to be your IT Fairy and all-round whiz with all things IT) then connect with Clare Lauwyers @ClareLauwerys. I guarantee a business woman that will motivate, inspire support and be there for you – now who wouldn’t want one of those?

On that note who motivates, inspires and supports your success? Knowing those things can be critical when you are having a tough time.

A bit of a girly blog today, but hey business women are allowed to be business women on their own terms the way they want to, and that includes supporting and acknowledging their way to success.

Thank you Clare.

  • November 15, 2011

Transparency – The Latest Buzz Word?

In various meetings, seminars and sessions with clients this week. A word has cropped up time and time again…..


But what is the big deal?

Why are we all using this word?

I found myself thinking about this, and I think this has something to do with it.

We have been through a time where clever marketing got us to buy things, then marketing got cleverer and still we bought things. Now as we are told the world is ending, banks are collapsing (mmmm who was it that announced over a billion £ profit this week in the banking world?) countries economies are toppling, the air is polluted…..”Run for the hills, we’re all gonna die” well you get the idea.

The fact is in the current nervous climate we want things transparent. We don’t want to be sold at. We want the facts.

What will it do?

How will it do that?

Will it make a big difference to my life, my business, my hair, my health……?

And so transparency becomes so important to us.

How many times has someone phoned you and rattled on about a million things, not cutting to the chase of what they want, what they want you to do, and how and when they want it to happen?

Wouldn’t it be great if people were more honest?

Wouldn’t it be great if there was no hidden agenda?

I think that is why honest marketing, clear talking and transparent ideas and actions are the order of the day.

And if you can get that into your marketing, your business ethos and the way you engage with people, they are far more likely to interact with you. And we all know where that can lead don’t we.

They want the real you, they want to know that the people they chose to work with care and will do their best, and the best way to show that is with transparency.

And a point to remember is, if you come up against people and businesses that are not prepared to be transparent then, you start to question what are you hiding? What aren’t you telling me?

When people feel like they have the whole picture, with no hidden agendas they relax, they get to like you and your products and that is taking you well on the way to a sale.

So get clear, transparent, see through,  honest and straight talking in your business today.

(And a little note on the collapse of the universe – its highly likely business women like you and I will still get up tomorrow, get ready for work, make a difference to the people we work with and drink another cuppa – don’t buy into the media madness – its just a thought, but I know how powerful they can be!) 07989935556

Mandie Holgate shared this with us, our Essex coordinator, if you are a coordinator for The BWN or have the Business Premier Pack and you have something useful or interesting to share with business women send it to and we will link it to your website too.

  • November 5, 2011

What is it you really do for customers?

Business Premier Pack Owner Samantha Fricker from frameworks shares with us what they really do….
I attended a fantastic event hosted by the Business Womans Network on Monday and after listening to Mark Rhodes (a truly inspirational speaker) got chatting to a number of people about the qualities that make businesses exceptional. 
One lady commented that Framewerks “preserves memories”. Now this got me thinking. I know that we don’t ‘just’ frame pictures but do we preserve memories? 
An example could be a recent wedding dress we were asked to frame. The customer got married last year and didn’t want her dress or the memories it held to be lost in the back of her wardrobe, but also didn’t have the wall space to hang the whole dress. 
The Framewerks team love a challenge when it comes to framing unusual items and came up with a solution to remove the skirt from the dress and focus on the detailed top part of the wedding dress. 
We advised a contrasting mount board to show the dress to its full advantage and used Schott Miro Guard+, which is anti UV and glare and therefore preserved this customers memories for years to come. 
I love a happy ending! 
So what do we do? Well it seems we do preserve memories!
Thanks for sharing Samantha, and I know your history wall allows businesses to do the same for all to see – love it!
To learn more about Samantha and Framewerks either get along to a BWN event or click here
  • November 4, 2011

I Dont Have The Time OR The Money To Market My Business.

If we had a £1 for every time we had heard the above statement, we would be very rich little bunnies. However we don’t so we make sure our marketing brings in the customers. (and a nice little finalist in the Colchester Business Awards for Excellence in Marketing for the second year in a row!)

You see an effective marketing strategy WILL deliver leads, and if you are getting quality leads then guess what that leads to?

You guessed it, more customers.

But we do appreciate it can be tricky to factor in time to market your wares as well as to make and deliver them. So what can you do to make life easier?

Before you even think of aiming to make marketing easier to manage. Do you know what works?

If you don’t know this STOP right now. You see, you need to know what is working to deliver great leads and enquiries so that you can replicate that. So first of all concentrate on researching and analysing what works.

Stop your marketing until you know what works for success

WHEN you know this information you can then use tools such as Hootsuite or Tweetdeck to schedule your social media. Taking into account when your ideal clients have the time to read your offerings, comment, reply, etc.

Next look at the real world marketing that works for you. Picking up the phone, public speaking networking, meetings, etc. What have the biggest impact and concentrate on making them deliver MORE to you.

For instance networking can only be effective if you dedicate to it. Know what you want beforehand. Attend regularly to build relationships so that people want to do business with you and most importantly follow up after EVERY event.

This approach needs to be applied to all areas of marketing that you have and constantly consider this…

What are you doing so that people are automatically keeping up to date with you and your business?

How can other people support your marketing strategy?

Affiliations, discounts, special offers for loyalty etc.

Unless you are a larger company with a lovely thing called a “marketing budget” this is going to come down to you and if you don’t find a way to create a marketing strategy that fits into your busy life and your hectic business, you will always have highs and lows of customers. Now wouldn’t it be nicer to just have that steady flow of new customers heading to your door?

Do you have highs and lows of new customers

This blog came out of a number of conversations with business women this week, who shared with us how tough they are finding things at the moment, we are glad that you are finding the support, ideas and advice you need at the new Business Clinic and at the BWN networking events. 


  • October 25, 2011
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