
Category Archives for "blog"

Super Star For The Day – Get That Business Womans Signature!

BWN Member by Day – Movie Star by Night Well not quite….but it’s been an exciting week for a small corner of Colchester!

For those who know Nicky Goodchild she is known for wearing an eye catching jacket and promoting her business as a Wellness Coach and Herbalife Distributor, but now Nicky would like to share what is going on in another exciting area of her life…..get ready with your autograph books!

“You might like to know about what’s been going on in my life as an actor recently.

This Monday 3rd March my first feature film was released on DVD, and other ‘platforms’, as they say. I play one of the leads in this ‘Beautifully British Steam punk Ghost Story’, which has won several awards at International Film Festivals.

In a fortuitous moment of good timing, it was released the day after The Oscars, so I managed to secure a high profile interview, which you can see here…Enjoy! here  

Available via Amazon, Fopp, Morrisons, HMV to buy the DVD and Amazon Prime & Blink Box to stream

Nb. Don’t be put off by the UK DVD cover. It was the UK distributor’s idea. It DOESN’T do exactly what it says on the tin! Follow @DeathTheMovie and me @GoodchildByName and please SHARE the love. #WhatMarketingBudget?”

Congratulations Nicky on your new role and can we get your signature while its still in our price range? We know an opportunity when we see one!

(Images courtesy of Jayne Lloyd Photography)


  • March 6, 2014

How Not To Make A Fool Of Yourself On Facebook (or other social media platforms)

There are lots of do’s and don’s when it comes to social media but this one could easily be titled

Think Before You Share

I had a bit of rant (in the nicest way) about people reposting rubbish on Facebook as if the truth.

I have news for you. Not everything on the internet is true. This is of course but some stuff….not so much!

In the days before the internet, things were published in books and that cost a bit of money. As a result, publishers did things like fact checking and research. These days you can set a free blog up and be posting whatever you like in a matter of minutes. 

In the video below, I refer to three sites that are fabulous resources for checking whether something has any credence.

 They are

  • Facecrooks – really good for Facebook specific ones like “adding these people will infection your machine and destroy your hard drive”
  • Hoax-Slayer – Debunking email hoaxes and exposing Internet scams since 2003!
  • Snopes – the definitive Internet reference source for urban legends, folklore, myths, rumors, and misinformation

Not mentioned but also worth a read if you care about accuracy and facts is Science or Not? – Separating science from nonsense




  • January 16, 2014

Get Motivated into BIG Business action!

When it comes to being in business, motivation is something you need an endless supply of.

I’ve often asked myself how is it that 2 women can both be made redundant after years of loyal employment, 1 goes home and wails and wonders where it all went wrong and moans that there are no jobs out there, while the other goes says “This is my big chance!” and sets up their own business.

Motivation gets them going, but how do you keep going after sales to your natural sources dry up?

In January many businesses face a tough time as we assume everyone is batting down the hatches in preparation for the big Christmas Credit card bill, but how do you make it a profitable and successful month regardless?

It will all start with motivation.

If you are motivated in the right way, then you will believe in your ability to achieve and the ability to make the sales and to have a great month and you will take the right targeted action to get the results you want.

So targeted action is what you want and it starts with motivation.

Here is my quick It’s Monday and the weather is lousy, I don’t want to exercise or eat right or even get out of my bed. Help me be motivated Guide….

  1. Know what you want – being motivated is about moving you forward, in a direction. It’s hard to move in a direction if you don’t know which way to even face!
  2. Get that music blasting! Music can make you happy, sad, energised, but most importantly motivated. Just ask Liz Leatherdale from Colchester Classics. Chose music that comes on in your car that is going to get you revved up, before you even get into the office or to that meeting.
  3. Start the day well. A good breakfast, plenty of water and don’t leave your favourite designer dress/handbag/shoes at the bag of the wardrobe for a special occasion. Today is that special occasion. Today is the day you want to be motivated into serious action. Feeling good on the inside and out can really help. Got a favourite colour? Add a splash of it to your outfit! Cass Edwards and Thomasin Newton are 2 fabulous image consultants who know all about that!
  4. Did you know just by saying “I’m excited!” You can start to feel excited? Our brain works powerfully to be negative but it can work powerfully to be positive too. Get excited about your day. Even if at this moment you don’t know why, start by saying “I’m excited!”
  5. Get along  to The BWN this month and let me motivate you! (Ok blantant BWN plug there!) But being in environments with people that you know will power up your attitude, and get you motivated and help you stay focussed is critically important to business women who the majority of the time work alone. So see me twice a month and let me be part of your big plan.
  6. On the 24th I will be talking about Motivation in Business and it will be very interactive, so bring your questions and I will give tailor made solutions. Can’t wait that long? You know where to find me on social media
  7. More than anything else, believe in you. If you are faltering on this in the slightest it can seriously impact your success. 
  • January 6, 2014

Framed Winners

Framewerks Winners for Colchester Business Awards 2013 

Framewerks are delighted to be winners in the Business to Business category at the Colchester Business Awards 2013. The award event held on Friday 29th November was a glitzy affair and the team scrubbed up well for the occasion. 
It is a fantastic way to kick off our 10th year anniversary celebrations ahead of next year. The award will now take pride of place on our Framewerks History Wall. 
Yet again this recognition goes to the fantastic team here at Framewerks. Thanks guys! 
  • December 16, 2013

Award Winning Financial Plannning

Woodruff Financial Planning

Woodruff Financial Planning receiving their award

Woodruff Financial Planning won this year’s “Growing Business of the Year” at the Colchester Business Awards, held at Charter Hall, Colchester in November. To win the award against some worthy finalists was a great achievement, but comes as a result of some concerted hard work for 2 years or more. A few years ago we would never have entered an award like this, which shows how far we have come as a business. We would encourage everyone to do the same since it forces you to evaluate your business against some tough criteria.


How did we do it? We started working with a business coach 2 years ago, and since then have seen some fantastic growth. This has come as a result of constant improvements in our marketing, sales, customer service and business processes. There is no magic formula. We just apply ourselves every day in a focussed way to constantly drive the business forward. If you focus on taking regular action the results will start to compound up over time.


The results speak for themselves. We have grown our team and in the last financial year we recorded growth in turnover by 41%, and in profits by 62%. We are projecting further growth in turnover by 30% for this financial year, and growth in profits by 42%. This comes at a time of difficult economic conditions, particularly for financial services businesses.


Our primary focus has been on delivering a great financial planning and investment management service to the right kinds of clients. Our clients all want the same thing: to secure their future (i.e. work out whether the money will run out one day), and then to live their dreams once their security is guaranteed. We help them to make informed financial decisions and start to live the best life they can with their resources. We have ensured that we only take on clients who fit the services we deliver, which means they are delighted with the service as it is right for them. This in turn leads to more referrals from clients and their professional advisers like accountants and solicitors. Our marketing is now aimed at only the right kinds of clients, which means that we are able to attract the right people for our service, and refer other leads to alternative providers.


See for more information

  • December 16, 2013

A Costly Mistake I’ve Witnessed In Essex Effecting Business Women and Costing Them Big!

I wanted to share with you a costly mistake I’ve personally seen in action over the last couple of months.

It’s costing business women;

  • Money
  • Leads
  • And most importantly sales.

And when I see something that important happening I just want to do all I can to fix it. I cant’ help myself!

So what is it?

Well I’ve been back at the BWN for the last 2 months. And it’s personally delivered to me new contacts, new business women I’ve met, leads and most importantly sales. But I’ve also learnt some great things, nearly one a free seminar with an amazing coach. And met some lovely like minded business women. As Fiona Cowie from Essential HR said this week “It’s not just great to be in an environment like this for business it’s good for you because it reminds you of why you love running your own business.” Because I think Fiona is right you can be isolated running your own business.

Nicky Goodchild said that she was so chuffed that after just one event she made sales, has been offered a speaking engagement and I got her a great bit of free PR in a target newspaper.

So I find it tough when I see business women wasting money and missing opportunities and well that just hurts!

You see for 3 events I saw the same business woman at The BWN and I was beginning to learn about her and her business, and what she needed and who she wanted to connect with. Then this week’s event for the first time she wasn’t there, just as her target audience of lawyers, Wealth Management Advisors and HR Specialists were in the room! She had missed the perfect opportunity.

But what really got me is this is not the first time I’ve seen this happen in just the last 2 months!

In the last 3 events I’ve seen business women not be able to make The BWN at the last minute only to miss out on speaking to the very target audience they’ve been after! Ouch!

On the other hand the good news is that I have also seen some fabulous business women at every BWN event and what do you know they are selling out their events, they are getting contracts they have been trying to get for years and they are connecting with businesses they want to work with! No wonder those business women are regulars at the BWN now.

So the moral of this story that made me rather sad this week. It’s to keep on The BWN radar. In the last month we have had business women at The BWN from sole traders to organisations with 2000+ members of staff! So wow how many opportunities could you be missing out on there? I dread to think!

On top of that we have seen some very impressive media opportunities get given away at the BWN, a seminar with one of our speakers, a secret masterclass with me (the business women on that are loving the results after just 2 sessions!) and then I gave 1 lucky business woman a very special freebie yesterday that could be worth a lot of money to her!

I know that the BWN and I can help you and your business, but only if I see you. So don’t miss the 22nd November at Five Lakes. We have a great speaker working with me in the masterclass. An Actor of the calibre of Spooks and Eastenders and we will be dealing with public speaking fears and success. And then our big Christmas event on the 13th December and 5 stands have already gone, so book fast. It’s going to be a lot of fun.

Did you see the films on the website of the business women you missed this week?

Click here to see them in action and to book your next event.

You would hate to miss out again!

  • November 8, 2013

6 tips to improve your credit rating

The is a guest blog from Loess Overbury-Tapper from Tapper Financial Solutions – Your Finance, Your Future


Need a loan, a mortgage or a credit card? 6 vital things you need to boost your credit score, before you apply!


Step 1: Get on a Roll

The electoral roll is one of the key sources of information for credit agencies and lenders – and vital to verifying your identity. If you are not on it, it can be very difficult to get any credit at all. And it’s vitally important that your address on the roll is accurate and up-to-date.

To find out how to register, go to the About My Vote website. To check if your details are correct on the electoral roll, contact your local council.


Step 2: Know your credit every time you apply – and space out your applications

Before you apply for any form of credit, make sure that you know whether there is anything in your credit rating that might cause you to be rejected. Checking your rating with agencies like Equifax or Experian costs £2 or less – and it can have a big impact on your future ability to take out loans or mortgages. When you apply for a financial product, the lender will ask permission to check your credit file – and if they reject you, the search that they conducted could be a factor in any future lending decisions.

Make sure all the information on your file is up to date and accurate. If it isn’t, request that the agency correct it. If you have missed any credit or loan repayments, you can request that a “notice of correction” be attached to your file to explain why – and give important perspective to future lenders.

A lot of credit applications in a short space of time could be interpreted as evidence that you are struggling to keep up with your obligations, so even if you are shopping around for options, try to space out your applications for credit. Some companies will agree to do a “soft search” or quotation-only search, which doesn’t appear on your credit file, and this can be useful for protecting your rating. Make sure you know what type of search they will be conducting – and avoid unnecessary full searches if you can.

 experian logo

Step 3: Play your cards right (and don’t hold too many of them)

If you have credit cards (including store cards) that you don’t use, the lines of credit will still be shown on your file – and some lenders may worry that you have too much potential credit available to you. It makes sense to cancel any cards you no longer use, and check your credit file to make sure the changes have been logged.

Don’t do this if it will mean overloading your remaining cards though, as lenders also look at the percentage of your available credit that you use. If you have older cards, it’s also important to check that the address registered on them is up-to-date. Having different addresses on your credit file can be a risk factor for lenders.

Step 4: Build up your reputation

To judge your reliability when it comes to loans, a mortgage provider needs to look at how you have used credit in the past. Make sure that you have a history of managing credit responsibly by staying within overdraft limits, and making certain that you never miss a payment on credit cards, loans and utility bills.

Use direct debits to help you pay on time, although you will still need to ensure that there is enough money in your account. Remember that making agreed payments and avoiding any missed bills will have a more positive impact on your credit history than paying some debts off in their entirety but missing other payments.

Avoiding credit altogether won’t give you a positive credit rating, since it means loan providers don’t have access to information about your reliability. However, don’t try to remedy this by applying for lots of different products at once, as many different searches can have a negative impact on your credit rating.

If you are considering applying for a mortgage with a lender, then it can help to build up a relationship with them beforehand. Having a current account can help to give them a first-hand view of your cash flow and your reliability, as can making regular payments to a savings account to build up a deposit for your home.

Step 5: Stick to fixed-line

Mobile phone numbers are great for ensuring that you are always contactable – but they do not give the same sense of stability and reliability as a landline number where credit applications are concerned, and can cause concerns over potential fraud. When you apply for any credit, make sure to use your landline number if you have one.

Step 6: Never Never Never use Pay-Day Loans

Lenders view someone who has used a pay-day loan as unable to manage their finances. Pay Day Loans are totally toxic to your credit rating and to be avoided at all costs.


Call Us Now For Independent Advice On Mortgages And Insurance

Tapper Financial Services, 01206 331168, 07971 987703,




  • October 25, 2013

Marketing Jobs Increase

This is a guest blog by Vicki Edwards – Director, Success Recruit Ltd

Success Recruit have seen an increase in the recruitment of individuals for marketing positions over the last 6 months.

When discussing with our clients why there has been an increase in marketing employment opportunities they have made it clear that this was one of the first areas in which they made cut-backs during the tough times of the past 5 years and that they are only now beginning to increase marketing activity again.

We asked our clients to consider whether the view that marketing is a luxury is the right one. Despite some mixed responses many clients were firmly of the opinion that marketing should not only be considered important during tough times but more important! These people believe that you should promote more aggressively during hard times in order to find as much business as possible and they have argued that not only was their business unaffected during the recession but that they have had some of their best years to date.

Consider the example of Domino’s Pizza who have barely been off of our televisions over the last few years and have been able to wrestle a huge market share from the likes of Pizza Hut and Papa John’s.


So, what impact has the return of marketing activity had on other employment positions?

At Success Recruit we are inundated with requests for candidates to fill Business Development and Account Management positions. The major reason for this upturn? Increased leads from marketing! There is of course no point in having a great marketing strategy without having the necessary infrastructure to cope with demand and we see this as fantastic news for businesses and the economy.

We are certainly looking forward to seeing the effect on our bottom line!


  • October 9, 2013

How to Sell Outside Your Comfort Zone

Being in business allows you to push the boundaries of what you think can be achieved. But can you honestly say you sell outside of your comfort zone?

What could happen if you did?

Think it through….if your current marketing strategy allows you to create your current supply of customers what could happen if you pushed yourself outside of your comfort zone?

(Here’s a clue, it will definitely involve more time creating invoices and less time chatting on social media !)

So How Do You Do It?

  1. If it feels big and scary….keep going. Things feel scary and out of our ability range when we feel there is something to lose. We feel like there is a lot to be missed out on if it goes wrong….so polarise that thought. If there is a lot that could be lost there is just as much (if not more) that could be gained.
  2. Keep doing what works but ask yourself what would take you so far out of your comfort zone when it comes to selling? If you normally choose to sell over the phone or via word of mouth, would picking up the phone panic you? Networking a No No? Media work moves you in all the wrong ways? Do it anyway!
  3. Don’t ask Don’t get. Asking is the scary part. Men traditionally are great at closing the deal but lack the nuances of relationship building that women do and so go straight for the sale and risk scaring the buyer off. Women on the other hand can be brilliant at creating great relationships but can lack the ability to close the sale. So ask for what you want.
  4. Believe in better. If you think something is likely to go wrong, your brain will be as considerate as possible to create as many reminders of previous failure and plenty of hints on how to recreate it, undermining your ability to achieve. So believe in what you do. Believe in your course of action, your ability and visualise the end goal. That’s right, more invoices created, more money banked and less time to play Candy Crush!



Mandie Holgate specialises in helping women grow their businesses, overcome their fears and gain more customers. To see if you could work with someone that will boss you around (in a nice way), help you set clear goals for business growth, and motivate you to keep going, however tough it gets, get in touch with Mandie.

  • July 29, 2013

Networking Assumptions That Cost You Business

At a networking event the other day I got talking to a rather fabulous business woman and the conversation went like this;

Mrs Fab                “So and So is coming today.”

Me                         “Oh, really. I’ve not seen her in years. I must ask her how business is. Mrs So and So does this and this and is very unique in that.”

Mrs Fab                “She doesn’t do this and this, she does that and that.”
Me                         “No I’m sure she does this and this. She was on the radio talking about it.”
Mrs Fab                “She definitely does that and that I know because I was talking to her yesterday!”


Leaving me flabbergasted that I had Mrs So and So labelled so wrong and so for years had been under the illusion she did this and this. Turns out she did do an aspect of what I had thought she did for a living but because I had not chatted to her since, I didn’t know about the vast array of other things her unique company did. Which meant that I couldn’t possibly have been out there being a good networker for her.


The moral of this story. If you don’t network regularly what illusions are being created about what you do?

Turns out if I had known truly what Mrs So and So did for a living I could have put work to her at least twice in the last few years, as I couldn’t find anyone on the planet that does what Mrs So and So does.

Assumptions get made all the time in networking. And here is what assumptions do for your networking success:

 ass u me

Not good right?

So how do you stop networking assumptions from happening?

Network regularly.

Allow other networkers to learn what they want to learn about what you do. NOT what you THINK they need to know.

Reinforce your networking with good social media networking. That means your message is the same where ever anyone goes. So that they really feel like they can connect with you. (Not repeating the same stuff I hasten to add.)

If you don’t understand what someone does, ask questions. How can you be a successful networker for your new contact if you don’t understand the nature of their profession?

Be consistent with your action.

And love it, because let’s be honest networking is just so good for business!

  • July 24, 2013
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