This is a guest blog by Vicki Edwards – Director, Success Recruit Ltd

Success Recruit have seen an increase in the recruitment of individuals for marketing positions over the last 6 months.

When discussing with our clients why there has been an increase in marketing employment opportunities they have made it clear that this was one of the first areas in which they made cut-backs during the tough times of the past 5 years and that they are only now beginning to increase marketing activity again.

We asked our clients to consider whether the view that marketing is a luxury is the right one. Despite some mixed responses many clients were firmly of the opinion that marketing should not only be considered important during tough times but more important! These people believe that you should promote more aggressively during hard times in order to find as much business as possible and they have argued that not only was their business unaffected during the recession but that they have had some of their best years to date.

Consider the example of Domino’s Pizza who have barely been off of our televisions over the last few years and have been able to wrestle a huge market share from the likes of Pizza Hut and Papa John’s.


So, what impact has the return of marketing activity had on other employment positions?

At Success Recruit we are inundated with requests for candidates to fill Business Development and Account Management positions. The major reason for this upturn? Increased leads from marketing! There is of course no point in having a great marketing strategy without having the necessary infrastructure to cope with demand and we see this as fantastic news for businesses and the economy.

We are certainly looking forward to seeing the effect on our bottom line!


  • October 9, 2013
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