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Free Seminars – Workplace Pensions for Small Businesses

Here BWN member Fiona Cowie from Essential HR speaks about some opportunities to understand the legislation and how it could impact you and your business. We hear many business women say they are not willing to employ staff because they “can’t face all that” however with the right staff and the right support your business will be able to grow in ways that are not easily accessible for the sole trader.

Free Breakfast Seminars – Workplace Pensions for Small Businesses

Workplace Pensions for small businesses is about to become a reality as the staging dates (the date on which the new laws must be met) for those businesses with less than 50 employees begin from 1st March.  If you are a business with one or more employees, you will have a staging date already allocated to.  Workplace pensions will have an impact on your business in the shape of extra administration, data processing, payroll and compliance which all mean additional cost.

We are running two FREE breakfast seminars in March to inform small businesses about workplace pensions and what it means for them.  To learn the key facts about workplace pensions please come along and hear Fiona Cowie, your local Workplace Pensions Specialist.

4th March – 8am – 9.30am at Ivy Hill Hotel, Margaretting.  In partnership with Sound Financial Planning and Consort Insurance.  Email fiona@essentialhr.co.uk to book a place.

17th March – 8.30am – 10.30am at The Bay Horse, Moulsham Street, Chelmsford.  In partnership with Success Recruit.  Visit Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/unlocking-the-myths-about-auto-enrolment-tickets-15811414366 to book your place.

Don’t leave your planning too late.  Come along now to find out what’s involved in Workplace Pensions.

To learn more about Fiona Cowie and Essential HR visit – www.essentialhr.co.uk

Connect with Fiona on Twitter – http://twitter.com/HRandReward

Telephone – 01245 349492
Email – fiona@essentialhr.co.uk

  • March 5, 2015