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Data Protection Shocker!

We caused an Insiders hot post. All we asked was “Can we check you have all registered with the ICO?”

When the data protection laws were updated in May 2018 we spent many many months in the lead up to this ensuring everyone attending our events or reading our blogs were aware that it was highly unlikely they had a business that would be exempt and would have to take action.

We even ran an update masterclass session in late 2019 with Adavista who deliver our data protection policies and advice to check everyone knew how to process data and how it is good for business when you get it right, not forgetting how costly it is if you get it wrong!

Did you know for instance not being registered with ICO could cost you a £400 instant fine?

So we were a little surprised when we discovered that business owners were still not registered. We work closely with Robyn Banks to ensure we help you access the best quality advice neccesary to be compliant. Here Robyn Shares a few key points to get you started. And even if you answer no, I’ve not done that! to every single point, don’t panic, we are here to help. Post to the Insiders and Robyn (who is also an Insider) will help. Our Insiders have all experienced so much in business so they will have advice on what to do too. (Not just someone random on Facebook who heard it at networking event once!)

Here are a few key points to consider;

  1. The ICO fee is not the only part of data protection compliance – have you considered other documentation?”
  2. Are your emails compliant with e-privacy regulations?
  3. What about a Privacy Notice?  Do you know for sure yours has the correct info in it?”
  4. How long and technical is our Privacy Notice?  Legal jargon should NOT be there!”
  5. If the Privacy Notice is longer than a side and half of A4 – is anyone going to read it?”
  6. The more detail you put into a Privacy Notice, the more loopholes you are creating for exploitation – that doesn’t protect your business!”
  7. Is your use of data documented appropriately?  Does int include all the concepts it should?”

Everything covered here in these data protection/GDPR tips is legal requirement – At BWN we don’t want you to get caught out!  Robyn Banks doesn’t either  – which is why she is an Affiliate and offers a discount to BWN on her already low fees.

How long does it take to get legal?

For our own policies and registration it took us 1.5 hours to become compliant! We had a conversation with Robyn who wanted to know how we process information and where we store your data. Then Robyn went off and wrote tailor made documentation for our business. And then we updated our website and email accordingly.


And not worth the risk of  thousands of £s in fines – £400 is only for not paying the fee and the tip of the iceberg in terms of non-compliance.!

To join the Insiders click here. You can ask Robyn anything. Robyn is a very active Insiders member and keen to help all businesses be legal when it comes to data protection. If you missed her interview on BWN TV – with a mention of helping to land a British Airways plane in Russia at the age of 21! You can watch that here.

  • June 30, 2020