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Jenny is at it again!

What we love about our business women that attend our networking events is that they don’t just care about their own success they care about other business women’s success too.

Many of our members also have very busy personal lives and yet they find the time to raise money for charity.

We love that!

Jenny has jumped out of a plane, crawled across the Maldon Mud (with Pängel wings on!) and now she is wing walking!

Yes Wing Walking!

It’s even more important to us that we shout about Jenny, because;

  • Jenny is one of our members – we love to shout about those that attend every month.
  • Jenny is one of our coordinators – Jenny hosts our South Essex networking and business building events and cares deeply about her own members success.
  • Jenny is raising money for Farleigh’s Hospice here in Essex – We’ve created 2 nude calendars to raise funds for Farleighs, raising over £8000 so we are really pleased to see Jenny raising money for a local charity. We have discounted rates for charities and other ways we can support them because we appreciate how important their work is.
  • Jenny is wing walking in memory of an Essex Business Woman who we still miss dearly. Stella Bradbrook was a big giver to her local community and worked tirelessly to support local. Stella really appreciated buying local’s importance. We miss her very much and our own Stella Women page is in dedication to her.

How can you not find a fiver for Jenny!

If you an find a fiver here’s the link to donate and learn more.

If you can we would be very grateful and you can find out how Jenny gets on because Jenny attends lots of our Essex events. We are sure Jenny will share some exciting stories with us!

Are you doing your bit for a local charity? If so we can feature you in our newsletter, social media and on our Stella Women page too!

  • May 25, 2019

Putting On The Pounds For St Helena’s Hospice

Local business owner, Liz Leatherdale of Colchester Classics and Classical Music Columnist is putting on the pounds for St Helena Hospice, Colchester. Liz Leatherdale said “Yes, I’m raising money for St Helena Hospice again to help them continue their important work in our community. Since my late Dad was diagnosed with cancer in 2007 I’ve been occasionally raising money for St Helena Hospice. He so enjoyed his weekly day-time activities and care from the Hospice.  I’ve raised £1,231 so far since 2009 and this year I’m hoping with your help to raise a further £500 with one of the biggest challenges I’ve done for the hospice.”

Liz Leatherdale is attempting to shed pounds through exercise with the help and support of trainers at Elms Personal Fitness Colchester and Nutritionalist, Angela Attwood.   Liz Leatherdale

Liz commented “While I’m having fun at the gym (yes it actually is) I’d like you to pile on the pounds sterling for St Helena Hospice. As anyone who knows me, the shedding of pounds and going to the gym is a tad challenging – bit like pushing treacle up hill.” 

Thanks for reading this and caring about the important work that our local hospice achieves and if you have a spare £1 or few please – click here to make a donation.

Even if you can’t donate then just a retweet, a like and or a share all helps and its gratefully appreciated. So thankyou!

  • March 29, 2014