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Exhibiting With The BWN – Your Questions Answered

You are welcome to have a stand at any BWN event. The great ones to exhibit at are our Birthday events, our big summer events in July and our Christmas events in November (We moved them from December because you told us you wanted to shop early for Christmas!)

But what can you expect?

  • You can expect between 30 and 70+ business women in one room to show case your business to.Exhibiting at the BWN Suffolk norfolk essex
  • You are welcome to offer mini sessions of what you do as long as it fits on to 1 table.
  • You are welcome to bring your banner, again as long as it fits next to your table.
  • You can bring your products along.

If you would like confirmation of the room we are in, please feel free to text your area coordinator to confirm, however the reception staff will be more than happy to inform you which room we are in and we aim to post this on our Twitter account on the day too – @BWNcouk

The event starts at 10am but you are welcome to arrive at 9.30am to get set up.

Officially the event finishes at 12.30 however most business women stay on until 1pm.

We request that you do not dismantle your stand until 12.30pm.

Only the first 25 business women to book and pay are guaranteed a speaking slot of 60 seconds, so booking in advance is advisable.

If you have any concerns or further questions contact your area coordinator.

You are able to further benefit by sponsoring any event – £100 (Golden Ticket price £75) includes a 10 minute speaking slot, your business literature and goodies on each place setting, logo on the marketing material for that event and an exhibition stand.


Good ideas to make it really good for your business.

If you are exhibiting with us its a good idea to set up some social media mentioning us because everything we see, we are happy to share, like and retweet. All of our social media is accessible on the home page of our website.

Read our guide How To Stand Out An Exhibition. Click here to read it now.

It is a good idea to send out an email to your database letting everyone know where they can learn more about your business and that you will be attending this event.

You are welcome to request a copy of the event poster to add to your marketing in the run up to the event and it’s a great idea to post on the Facebook event page for that event too.

We look forward to helping to promote your business.




  • March 16, 2015

The Power Of Positivity (and Negativity) On Your Success

2 Fabulous Business Women Know that Positivity is Key To Your Success

2 Fabulous Business Women Know that Positivity is Key To Your Success

We all know someone that moans about their business.

“I don’t have enough clients”

“I can’t get organised”

“I’m too old to learn new stuff”

“Twitter & Facebook wouldn’t work for us”

How much fun are they to be around?

Be careful how much time you spend with people that bring negativity into your business, even if it does not apply to you. Their mood can still impact on your success. Never underestimate the power of your mind to dictate your actions. Have you ever got out of bed to find the cat had been sick/car won’t start/roads are jammed/heel snapped off of your shoe/computer has lost everything?

The next thought naturally is What will go wrong next?

You have a choice when anything bad happens to react in a way that creates motivation and determination to overcome adversity or to question why me?

And ask yourself how useful is the Why me approach?

Does it get you nearer your goal?

So when you have a less than brilliant start to your day what can motivate you to pick yourself up and carry on?

If not what, then who?

We all know someone that motivates people and seem to have an endless buzz and passion about your business – so connect with people like that regularly to keep you motivated.

And if  you need an extra boost the new book from our Founder Mandie Holgate could be just for you. One sentence a day to help you stay motivated and focussed and learn new top tips and tools to help your business success. Learn more here.

  • January 31, 2015

WooHoo – I wrote a blog! Now what?

Okay you finally wrote a blog, you finally appreciate that the world and his wife is writing blogs not just because they have a passion for writing as I do) but because it actually is a little god send of a free marketing tool for your business, but now what?

The fact is the world and his wife ARE writing blogs, so how is yours going to stand out?

How are you going to ensure yours does not languish in Never Read Land?

How are you going to ensure that people sign up to read it again and again?

Well let’s start with the reasons why you write a blog and they include;

To share advice, ideas and opportunities with people – it’s not about selling, it’s not about resplurging your website – it’s about giving away just the right level of advice and information (a word of caution to follow here*) that makes you useful. That gets you known as the thought leader which means you are the expert that they are going to trust, know and love – remember you can’t dictate when someone buys but you can have a say from who they choose to buy from.)

To showcase what you can do for people – again this is not a resplurge of your website – this is about sharing. Think about your favourite customer right now – the problems they talked about, the issues they faced, the solutions they needed. If they have that issues stands to reason other potential customer will have the same issue) so share posts that solve problems.

This very blog came about because a brilliantly talented makeup artist to Italian Vogue and London Fashion Week (you know who you are Michelle Court!) asked me how to get her blog seen – she actually called me Queen of Blogging – I like that!

And here’s that word of caution* don’t give everything away. Don’t write mighty long tomes of a blog that bore the pants of people. In this hyper fast world everyone wants answers fast and easy – so deliver easy to read content that answers the question succinctly – better to write 2 blog posts with a lot of material than one long one – finish the first blog with “and in our next blog we will be sharing with you…….”

People often make the mistake of not sharing really useful advice and ideas because they assume that the person reading it will go off and do it all for themselves and not need what they have to offer. Just because I know in theory how to play snooker it does not mean I can, just because I know how to paint a car it does not mean that I have any intention of actually doing it. If someone can learn from you something useful that makes their life easier they will come back for more. If you help them, they will want to work with you.

A great blog gets you known as the expert, it raises your profile and promotes your brand – and that leads to free PR, great marketing, more customers, new opportunities, speaking engagements, and so much more – I speak from experience here.

And lastly the written word is not the only kind of blog to produce. If your business is visual why are you writing 300 words? You know what they say about a picture painting a thousand words? What about a short video too? By the way anything longer than 3 minutes is not short.

Get visual, introduce sound, let people feel like they know you, so that your blog quietly answers their questions, get’s them out of tricky spots and shares some great ideas and stories and guess what? The next time they need what you do, for some inexplicable reason your name will be on the tip of their tongue. One of the most read recent blogs we produced was a 5 minute video showing you how to set up MailChimp!

In my next blog I will share with you how to ensure your blog doesn’t languish in Never Read Land. (see what I did there?)


  • March 11, 2012

Do you treat your business like Valentine’s Day?

This was a question I posed at The Colchester BWN yesterday in a 5 minute promo slot (incidentally I didn’t talk about my business at all and gained 2 new clients yesterday – there’s a powerful message in there about how to do a promo slot right?)

A good thing or a bad you ask, right?

Valentines comes around once a year, and once a year you are expected to get lovey dovey cats eyes, think about your loved one, shower them with affection, and your time and energy. But hang on for just one day of the year?

I have been very happily married for 16 years and my hubby 1st kissed me 19 and a half years ago on Valentine’s day and I still get flutters in my belly just thinking about him and a silly grin on my face (OK this is no Disney Fairy tale – I still berate that I’m the only one that can carry things up the stairs or put dirty socks in the wash!) But is that from putting effort and energy in once a year?

It’s from always considering his needs, his passions and his feelings. Every day when he gets home from work I always say “How was your day?”Recently he said why do you always ask me that? And I said “Because I care” and I care for more than one day of the year.

(Me Loving My Husband and Me Loving My Business)

Now let’s flip over to your business (before you all throw up with my lovedupness – made up word, but I like it!) Do you treat your business like Valentine’s Day?

Do you once in a while say “Right let’s look at our marketing, let’s power up the results. Let’s check out our website and if people are engaged by it and getting in touch”


Do you think daily;

Is our website getting the right message across to our potential clients? Does it match up to what we have been doing recently?

When I attend networking events am I saying things that compliment the marketing message on our website?

Am I getting our business in the local press, talking about what we have been doing recently and the great story that is hidden about our company?

Do I use this press release information and my marketing material on social media?

Do I sing about this when delivering my 60 seconds promo slots?

Do I think daily – How do I interact with potential clients, When do I, Where do I interact with them?

Do you always ask in the back of your mind where your next client is coming from?

Because if you don’t you are a once a year, special occasion Valentine’s Day business owner. And Guess what that does for your sustainability? For your Growth? For your Success?

8 years ago I had severe clinical depression and nearly died (twice – just for good measures!) and my husband was my rock, we know that whatever life throws at us we will be able to deal with it, together, as a team. Once a month we pick a row with the kids and get them off to bed early so that we can light candles, cook a nice meal and snuggle up in a mountain of cushions and watch a film and be just us. It’s always a Tuesday night because, hey Tuesday was never a special night of the week and it needed a bit of attention. Regularly putting in effort keeps our relationship fresh, special and wonderful.

Valentine’s Day is never going to be enough to create something lasting for all time.

So ask yourself are you having the same attitude to your business?

If so isn’t it time you gave your business full time love?

For ideas on loving your business full time, gaining more customers and making the sales (without spending sacks of money) get in touch or head over to the Free reports and the BWN blog as they are both packed with ideas to rocket your sales. As a business coach and as founder of The Business Womans Network both my coaching clients and business women that attend the BWN are seeing great results in their business because of the way I work – I would love to hear all about your business and how I could support your success too.



  • February 15, 2012

What The BWN does for Business Women – FACT

As Essex Coordinator I often get told “There are so many networks to chose from, how do I know yours is any good?”

And its a fair point. There is a ton of choice out there – which is great for the consumer…..and the network. You see we never placed ourselves as a rival, on the contrary we regularly promote other networks and business groups, why? Because if its good for business we want to be telling you about it.

A different approach you may say, well yes, but then it works. You see we are here to do the hard work for you. Try out the networks, the seminars and workshops and we share with you the good stuff. You can expect to hear about those ideas at every event in the business ops slot at 10.30.

But lets get down to the nitty gritty – you network because ultimately it leads to leads and sales and profit and success. On top of those things at the BWN you can expect support (it can be a lonely world for a business woman – and its great to know what you are experiencing or finding tough someone else has the answers to – probably because they have been through it too!)

You get motivated into action – so often women say to me, thanks to coming to The BWN last week, I picked up the phone/got in touch/changed my website/got up and spoke about my company/challenged their decision/went for it/took my business to the next level. And that results in even more success.

The BWN blogs and “What Business Women Say” pages of our website are packed with testimonials of how we have helped business women get what they want for their business and their success – all in an environment that is always welcoming (never clicky!) motivational and business focussed – we may mention what gorgeous heels you are wearing but then its straight back to business. Because we know that’s what matters to you.


  • January 29, 2012

The Business woman that neglects her body neglects her business

The Business woman that neglects her body neglects her business. No it wasn’t Confucius that said that but Brenda Seaborn.

Brenda Seaborn from Banish Stress has worked for corporate clients such as • ACE • Magnox • BBC Essex • Colchester Borough Council • Colchester Hospital University Foundation Trust, working throughout North East Essex and Suffolk offering her unique corporate therapy days as part of company’s occupational health or team building events.  Brenda first hand sees the impact of neglecting the body.

“You can only for so long get away with not listening to your body, before you really start to suffer. So many times business women say to me, but I don’t have time. But if you end up in bed you will have no choice but to stop working, why wait for that to happen? With a bit of TLC to your body, listening to its needs and a bit of time out, you can ensure you are fit and well to always be there for your business.”

Brenda has run a busy, private practice from her home in Colchester since 1997; providing complementary healthcare to both individual and corporate clients. Corporate clients such as Sandra Meakins from Magnox said “She is always gladly, welcomed by our staff and provides them with nurturing respite from an otherwise hectic days work. She offers them a chance to offload, unwind and refocus; enabling them to continue their days work completely refreshed.”

Combining a wealth of therapies such as Reiki, Reflexology, Manicure, pedicure (don’t dismiss how relaxing and important your nails can be!) Indian Head Massage,  Holistic Facial Massage, Advanced Reflexology inc. Maternity & Fertility and teaching Reiki and meditation. Business women often forget to create space to unwind, de-stress, re-balance and look after their health or to speed up the healing process during or after illness, surgery or the loss of a loved one.

So Brenda (or Confusicious) is right the Business Woman that neglects her health neglects her success. Now’s the time to get THAT in your business plan!??!

Banish Stress for business women

To learn more about time out, relaxing and caring for Number 1 (because you so often are at the bottom of the pile!) Get in touch with Brenda – 01206 512280 Email: banishstress@ntlworld.com Website: www.banishstress.co.uk

  • January 20, 2012

What Can BWN Networking Do For You?

Elene Marsden comes to our Suffolk events. Elene cornered us at the end of the event this week to tell us what The BWN was doing for her business success. And we just love to hear that it’s not just business ideas, support, motivation and empowerment…..

Elene Marsden - Better Act Now

I just love attending the Business Women’s Networking sessions. Networking for me is not all about making a sale, it’s about developing relationships and connecting with likeminded businesses. So when I attended the December BWN meeting in Essex I was especially pleased when Kathy Ennis from Ennvision listened to my 60 seconds promo slot about ACT and immediately placed an order with me.

Kathy had been looking for a way to organise her contact information, have all her emails stored in one place and most importantly she wanted a way to group her contacts for her marketing campaigns. She’d heard about ACT from Robert Craven, a business guru and was pleased to find she could buy the software from a fellow BWN member. I know Kathy is happy with her purchase and will tell her business associates about it.

Networking is all about planting the seeds and waiting for them to grow and sometimes they grow like sunflowers- fast and strong! And that’s the power of networking and in particular the BWN – serious networking for serious business people 

To learn more about getting your business cards organised (from that mountain on the edge of your desk!)

 http://www.betteractnow.com/uk/6ACTfacts.php http:/

/www.betteractnow.com/uk/DontBuyACTUntil.php www.corazonit.com www.youtube.com/elenemarsden

To Meet Kathy and learn more about what Kathy does – www.preparetogrow.co.uk 

Great that great networking gained Elene a client and Kathy solutions – love it!

  • January 19, 2012

Meet Sue, A BWN Business Woman, A Specialist in her field…

Every month we will introduce you to business women you can expect to meet at the BWN. If you would like to be highlighted so that at the next networking event, people have a ton of questions, ideas, synergies and opportunities for you, get in touch.


“Hi My name is Sue Cook I work with spectrum disorders treating dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD, dyscalculia, Aspergers and some autism and mutism.I am pretty much the only person in the uk using these brain rewiring techniques, though there are a handful of neurodevelopmentalists in the country. 

Children who are struggling at school or have been diagnosed with one of mentioned conditions, often do very well on my programme which rebuilds nerve pathways in the brain and corrects the source of the problem rather than treating symptoms. 

The brain learns through physical movement, and so the techniques I use involve movements that are specifically targeted to create or mend specific nerve pathways with astonishing accuracy. 

It’s like scalpel free brain surgery.

This is possible because the brain is plastic, that means, it can be changed/affected by stimuli.

Nerve growth factors are released when new movements are happening in the body. For example, when we are learning to drive, at first it is difficult as we learn, this is when new nerve pathways are being created. When the movements have become automatic that is when the nerve pathways have become hard wired. 

This same principle is used to help a child learn to read; there are sensory/nerve problems which are preventing correct interpretation of visual and sensory stimuli. So we correct it. Simple.

When my son was diagnosed with dyslexia, I was told there was nothing we could do and we had to learn to live with it. I refused to believe this. And i was determined to help my son. 

I found a woman in Oregon who is probably the world’s authority on neurodevelopment and she agreed to train me to help my son because I already had a health science degree and an interest in the brain.

I helped my son and news travelled fast, other parents who saw my son’s progress began telling their friends. My phone started to ring and i built an accidental practice. Now four years later I treat patients all over the world, I am a regular guest on the radio and I speak at conferences. Also I have added to the world of neurodevelopment by coming up with my own theories in neuroscience and neurodevelopment which the head of my old university was so impressed by, he wants me lecture at the university as well as research my ideas which would revolutionise the treatment of spectrum disorders.

If you know of anyone who has a child with learning difficulties please remember me as I would love to help that child work towards leading a life free from learning hinderances.

 I have recently moved to kelvedon and I have a new mobile: 07730 188536

 I am also a degreed classical homoeopath with 15 years in practice; my friends call me the number one people fixer. 

Feel free to contact me about your health issues and I’ll do my absolute best as always to maintain your health. 

 Www.helpingadhd.com    Www.fit4reading.co.uk    Sue@helpingadhd.com    Sue@fit4reading.co.uk

I am freezing my 2011 prices for the next six weeks for Business Women’s network referrals.

 My new clinic in kelvedon is in the high street and I have plenty of parking in my drive. It is very convenient. 

I look forward to helping you or your family with your health or brain issues, 

Sue Cook BSc. Honours Lic LCCH”

Thanks for sharing Sue, we look forward seeing you at the BWN in January.


  • December 23, 2011

Running own business? Give up & get a job!

If you run your owns business you’re bound to have had days where you think – Why AM I Doing This?

It can be lonely.


Hard work with little satisfaction.



Soul destroying.

Disappointing. The list is pretty long!
But don’t forget it can also be a rewarding and a fantastic one.

So how do you deal with those “aaaaaaahhhhh!” days?

Never forget why you went into business, your vision, your passion – it’s all still there, reignite it by remembering everything this career choice gives you.

List the negatives, what’s your top bug bear? Is it email mountains, admin in-trays or social media overload? Outsourcing the jobs that don’t directly pay can free up your time & more importantly your mind and energy to concentrate on the success of your business.

Having no boss has so many advantages but if you did what would they say should be your top priority? A boss also is there to acknowledge your achievements, so if you don’t give yourself a pat on the back, who else will?

Remember to ask yourself lots of questions ALWAYS. Asking good questions leads to good answers – get noisy and always question what is the best course of action, what do you need to be doing? What’s – When’s and How’s.

Who can you rely on to motivate and inspire you? Who will support you and pick you up again – social networking, a coffee with a friend, networking, business meetings, mentoring, coaching – what will you rely on?

Knowing what motivates and inspires you will spur you on – so the next time you have a tough day – You Will be Ready for it!

  • December 20, 2011