The Business Womans Network is 6 years old today. In that time we’ve;
Raised over £8000+ for charities like Farleigh’s Hospice, Little Havens, Colchester Mind, Colchester Food Bank, Dancing Giraffe, Children in Need, Comic Relief and others. Sometimes sensibly collecting non perishable foods, other times exposing our perishables!
We’ve helped you raise money for the charities of your choice, because we know charities want to get their organisation loved, so even if money was not raised we’ve been a part of your charitable activity to get you, your business and the charity known.
We’ve taken your viewpoint to the Bank of England, the Home Secretary and the Home Office.
We’ve got Business women on ITV1, BBC Radio Essex, BBC Radio Herts, BBC Radio Suffolk and BBC Radio London.
We’ve helped business women win awards both locally and nationally.
We’ve helped business women literally too scared to speak, stand up and speak eloquently to a room full of business women. To the point that they now do it for a living!
We introduced you to some of the leader business speakers and experts in the UK including speakers that are best selling authors and one speaker who has been on the Oprah Winfrey Show so that you get real answers and solutions to grow your business, enhance your performance and increase your confidence.
We’ve connected you to organisations that have given you opportunities that you couldn’t have got if you didn’t walk through our door every month.
Above all we know what matters to you most is to increase sales, gain customers, increase profit and not be too exhausted to have a life outside of work and you tell us we help you achieve that!
But above all, in the last 6 years we’ve met hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of businesses and given them support to get the results they want, always with our tagline in our heads “AS PASSIONATE ABOUT YOUR SUCCESS AS YOU!”
On our 6th birthday knowing the support and results we bring to your business puts a warm glow in a hearts and a smile on our faces. Because we can’t wait to see what the next 6 years will bring.
We are now actively looking to launch the BWN in other countie so that more business women can get paid to network. And if you are lucky enough to be able to join us in Essex this Friday, we are so honoured to know you, help you and network with you.
As Annabelle Catchpole from International Organisation Mancroft International once so eloquently put it; “If Carlsberg did networking it would like The Business Wommans Network”
Go on let us prove to you that this is the best network, that is not a girlie chat* but a motivational, great environment to help you in every area of your success from confidence and self belief, to business skills and Success methodology. This is your network, Happy Birthday!
*We can’t guarantee that conversation won’t turn to how gorgeous a business woman’s shoes are, but hey we all know great networking is about great communication and showing you care about others so they know you, like you and trust you, right?
Not booked for this Friday at Five Lakes Crowne Plaza, Colchester, 10am? Book here.
46 business women confirmed, 14 stands. (£25 exhibitors stand includes 1 ticket)