Here Jenny Animashaun from JA Business Services and who hosts our Braintree and Halstead The BWN events shares news about one of our charities of the year.
This year Colchester and Earls Colne BWN have joined together to support Tendring and Colchester Women’s Refuge as their charity of the year. The decision to support this charity was, for me, a personal one. Ten years on I am now able to talk about what I went through and how it affected me and my family – but at that time it feels like there is no way forward or no where to go.
The women’s refuge provides a safe place for women and children to go to. Also providing various support and resources,
the refuge and its many volunteers gives residents hope for the future. Vivian Smith, a project worker for the refuge will be at Colchester BWN on 19th May to give an insight to the work that the refuge has done in the area for the last 40 years.
Lottery funding for the refuge has this year come to an end and to showcase what that has achieved Vivian has organised a private event for those that have benefitted from the refuge and their supporters. The event will be mostly focused on the residents and their children with entertainment, activities and The Mad Hatter competition with prizes for winners.
To support the event the BWN have agreed to help find 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes suitable for children under 12. The refuge is also in need of a roll up banner which can be used at this and future events. To further celebrate their 40th year the refuge were greatly appreciative of the BWN’s idea to host a charity ball. Initial thoughts on this are for it to take place in September 2018, all offers of help and ideas will be snapped up so please get in touch to make this happen!
We are so excited to announce the Launch of The Business Mans Network. It matters to us greatly that we are there to support your sales, confidence and success. And for years Founder Mandie Holgate had been asked to set an event aimed at men in business. So its exciting to announce this launch on Monday the 8th May at our Wivenhoe House venue.
We know that we will have to work hard to get the right balance and create events as powerful as the ones we already host. The BMN events will have the same structure as The BWN events and there will still be no membership and lots of extra ways we can support you.
We’ve already had a policy that if a business man books a ticket then they are not turned away. We attract some of the top speakers in the UK and feel The BWN has always be inclusive and not exclusive. And the same will apply here. Although we would request that for the first event women in business given business men the chance to create their own core group before you consider attending.
It has also important to us that we do not drop the standard of support, motivation and ideas we give to women in business so please do keep in touch if you feel there is more we could be doing to support you and your success.
Here you can read the full article that appeared in the Gazette this week about the launch. Launch BMN May 2017
I’ve thought often about writing this article, and always shied away from being a bit controversial. (If you read my articles before either here or on you will know I tend to be about empowering, sharing top tips to make life, business, success and confidence just that be easier.) However I felt that I’d seen this happening too many times not to say something.
And the reason I say something now is because I can’t believe something that I thought was a given, an obvious expected standard, just doesn’t always exist, and not only is it not particularly pleasant to work in that environment, if you are doing this, then you could be damaging your success too! (So this article does come back to what I normally write about after all!)
The more I get asked to speak at events the more I naturally end up attending a variety of events aimed at personal and professional development and business success. And whether I’m attending a local business show a national one or a special all day event it really shocks me how many people that just don’t turn up!
What’s the big deal you say? It’s a free event, there’s no cost, so?
The big deal is that I personally think it impacts on your professional brand and what people think of you.
Think about it. You posted all over social media you were attending. You said you will be there. And then something came up, right? No big deal. But although there’s 500 – 2000 people at that event and you figure no one will miss you right?
They will, because there in reception when we all arrive is your lanyard with your name and business on, and then at the end of the day its still there!
Sorry did something better come up than what you thought was going to be an awesome day?
A client maybe?
I have a real issue with this, because firstly it shows a high level of disrespect to the organisers. It may seem like just a lanyard to you, but it’s not for the organisers. An organiser of an event need to ensure for every name that turns up there is adequate parking, adequate refreshments, adequate seating, someone has to take the time to print off and make your lanyard. As the numbers for the event increases the organisers think “wowsers we’ve got xxxx people booked for this, we should slow down on marketing, we may have to turn people away, our maximum capacity for safety is xxxx” So you greatly impact on the organisers.
Secondly if you’ve posted you are attending and don’t show, what does that say to those that do turn up? Is it a bad event we shouldn’t be at? Have we wasted our time? It can create unease in the delegates (I do not jest!)
More worryingly those that do turn up know who hasn’t arrived and think “Do they ever turn up to what they say they will?” What does that say about you, your professionalism and your business?
Can someone be trusted if they can’t even turn up to what they say they are going to?
If you don’t know if you will be too pressurised to attend then don’t fill in the form saying you are going. Leave your status as interested.
And if you worry about giving up a day to this event over on the Insiders I’ve shared top tips on how to get the most out of your day and double the usages of your time. As always as an Insider, I’m sure we will have some discussion, ideas and advice for each other on our confidential Facebook group too!
(I always worry about sharing a view that I’m sure some will disagree with, but the fact is that many people end up discussing the people and businesses that aren’t at these events. And my attitude has always been that if its good for business, and you need to know about it, then I will tell you. That also goes for the stuff that I see happening that damages your success. So with much love and respect for your success, I share. Best wishes Mandie Holgate, Founder of The Business Womans Network.)
We work hard to support our business women and that is why we created The Insiders so we could keep that level of motivation, support and assistance every day. We also do our best for our venues, speakers and our photographers.
Check out this gorgeous testimonial from Caroline Horne.
Thank you Caroline!
Debra has been a member of The Business Woman’s Network, South Essex, for the past year and recently became a Golden Ticket member. Her reason for becoming a member is because “we are nuturing community with some excellent speakers at each meeting. The BWN is passionate about member’s successes and actively promotes its members.”
We spoke to Debra to find out a bit more about why she set up in business.
What made you set up your Company?
Having worked for 23 years as a Consultant Clinical Scientist in Cancer and Leukaemia diagnosis, I wanted to have more time at home with my family. My youngest son (I have 4 boys!) started school 3 years ago and so I was looking for an opportunity to set up my own business that allowed me to work around my family. Utility Warehouse is a perfect fit for busy parents, youngsters who want an additional income and a Plan B and even those who are retired who want to supplement their pension. There are no products to buy or sell, in fact you are saving households and small businesses money on their essential everyday services (energy and telecoms) by recommending them to the Discount Club.
How many years have you been in business?
21/2 years
What do you love most about running your own business?
There are many advantages of running my own business! Firstly I dictate when and how much I work, I have the flexibility to arrange my work around the demands of family life. I am responsible for the the success of my business and it is my effort that decides the results. I no longer have trouble finding holiday childcare cover and I can have as much holiday as I see fit
What do you hate most about running your own business?
I’m accountable to myself which is at times difficult! The annual tax returns are also a pain (even though I have an accountant who submits them).
What benefits do you get from networking?
Networking has introduce me to other like-minded entrepreneurs who are a great source of support in my business and I have also gained clients and team members too.
What do you see the future holding for your Company?
The company has a massive future – we currently supply 5 services but our aim is to be a 12 service provider in a few years. Currently 2% of the UK are Utility Warehouse Customers so there are 98% of the UK still to talk to. As UW don’t waste money on expensive advertising, most people only hear about our award winning company via word of mouth referral.
To find out more about Utility Warehouse and follow Debra click here.
Meet Debra at our event at The Harvard Inn in Stock on Valentines Day for her masterclass on understanding colour personalities to engage your clients and aid success book here.
If you would like to become a Golden Ticket member, contact Jenny Sjollema on 07903 347782 to find out more.
I’m really excited about the launch of the Insiders. It’s a way that I as Founder and our Insiders affiliates can help you more AND you can ask anything you like (confidentially) and we will do our best to get you the right expert to help you.
So today in preparation for our first webinar in the Inisiders secret Facebook group I thought I’d share the 7 top tips I’d give to anyone that was looking to increase their chances of success in 2017 when setting goals. And then in the webinar you can ask me anything you like relating to achieving your goals;
How will you monitor your results? The person climbing the mountain that doesn’t take the time to observe the view, rarely can appreciate how far they have come. If you were to compare who you are and what you have achieved right now to 2 years ago, would you be so cynical, critical or worried about what you can achieve? Likewise by breaking your goals down (I get my clients to create 1,3 and 5 year goals and critically importantly Now Goals too.) you can start to see what actions need to be prioritised. And a big obstacle for so many business women is that they get distracted by the first shiny thing that comes along that looks easier than what has to be done and go off at a tangent, thereby slowing down their success and goal achieve.
I could share a ton of ideas here to help you rocket your chances of success in 2017. For now check your confidence levels and follow these 7 top tips, and I look forward to seeing you in the Insiders next week. Not joined yet? You can here.
As founder of The BWN Mandie Holgate care’s passionately about your success as much as our coordinators do. If there is something in particular you would like assistance with. What ever it is get in touch and we will do all we can to help. (And as always, without you having to spend a fortune!)
Christmas may be around the corner, but how prepared do you feel?
With many businesses closing their doors between Christmas and the New Year, the working month can seem all too short. At the beginning of December the amount to do during the month can seem overwhelming for small business owners.
Even if you haven’t made a start on Christmas preparations, there are many tasks you can offload to a VA to make the month easier and ensure some Christmas cheer. Think about how you’d like to communicate with your customers this year and a VA can help make it happen! From sourcing gifts or organising e-cards, a VA can craft that individual message which means your customers feel special. Or how about creating a festive newsletter for your clients with a 2016 round-up and a look-forward to 2017?
In fact, a VA could help you with your own shopping nightmares as well.
Simply pass on the list you have and a VA can put together suggestions, find the best bargains, organise payment online and make sure someone’s around for delivery.
Back in the office, if you have projects that simply need to get done before the end of the year a VA could be the answer to your prayers. They can take care of the end of year reporting if needed, pulling together all the stray bits of paperwork you’ve been meaning to get on top of, but simply haven’t had the time to do. And managing your diary is a synch for a VA! Not only can they make sure that you get enough time to go to all the events you’ve been invited to, they can help set up your diary for next year, scheduling all your regular projects and meetings so that you don’t miss a thing.
And if you want to take time off in-between Christmas and New Year…
If you want to take some time off between Christmas and the New Year but just don’t see how you’re going to manage it, a VA can help bridge the gap. Not only could they keep on top of essential emails and correspondence during that time so that you don’t miss out on any opportunities, they can also keep a presence going online by scheduling some social media content to keep you in your customers’ thoughts ready for 2017.
Here at PA Angels we’re ready to take your call and help this Christmas be the best yet. Contact us on 01621 680818 or email
[/et_pb_testimonial][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid”]You are everywhere!
You walk into an exhibition room or networking event and those are the first words you here. And then people feel like they already know you. Guess what that leads to?
An instant connection, no need to do the nice weather, general chit chat, that ice breaker stuff has already been done for you. You can get straight on to the lead building, sales funnel, let’s do business stage. Cool right?
But seriously how can that happen?
Well I walk into events and that is what people say to me. And the irony is that my illness means that I’m either with a client at a BWN event or resting so I really am not “everywhere” as people think I am. However thanks to savvy marketing. It can look like I am.
So if you are looking to gain new business, and new leads and opportunities (even when you are very busy) you need a marketing strategy that will allow for that. And mine does. I can be on a beach, watching Downtown abbey, or with a client and still be picking up all of the above. I don’t dress it up, it comes down to My Marketing Production Line. You can download your copy here. And if you are utilising 8 to 10 tools, effectively, regularly and with interesting and relevant content to your target audience according to your ultimate goals (ask me about them sometime) then you will get the known as the thought leader you want to become. And you will grow your business.
Heck I even got head hunted to write a book for one of the UK’s leading non fiction publishers. And yes you guessed it that was without doing anything other than I suggest here.
And if you want to know more. Then sign up on my Facebook page to my newsletter there is a sparkly new website coming soon to with some new courses starting from £14 and one of those is my Mandie’s Marketing Production Line teaching you how to be everywhere and gain new business even on a beach.
But for now start by asking if you were to be very busy, what actions are automated for you?
Is your online presence working hard for you?
If someone stalks…..sorry explores your online presence what are they likely to find? Is it likely to engage them? Be a fountain of knowledge? Interesting and fun? Useful and worth returning to? Worth signing up to a website? Good for business, health, life family holidays, entertainment? Does it make them want to learn more or make them want to go and watching dogs bouncing on trampolines?
If its the latter, its about time you invested a bit of time on your online presence and I’ve got plenty of ideas on how to make that powerful. Just pop in on a Tuesday afternoon to my Facebook page for a free master class and ask any questions and I will happily help all I can. As Founder of The BWN that is what I’m here to do. Learn more here.
I do hope you can make my book launch this Friday. It’s free to attend however you do need to have a ticket to attend. Book here.
It is with great pleasure we are proud to announce that we have been named as one of the top resources for female entrepreneurs in the UK. 99designs are one of the world’s largest online graphic design marketplaces, connecting more than one million talented freelance designers with creative people, genius entrepreneurs, savvy businesses… anyone who needs great work. So to be recognised by them is something we are very proud of!
We love the fact that 99designs respect and acknowledge the fact that it is not a level playing field out there and there are a lot of great resources working tirelessly to support the success of women in business;
While it is still far from being a level playing field, there is more advice and assistance available to female entrepreneurs than ever before. There was once a time when women found it almost impossible to create a successful business despite having a great idea and incredible work ethic. In this new era, female entrepreneurs can succeed and we encourage you to check out the links above to learn more about starting and running a successful business as a woman.
To read the full article and find out more about the other great 14 resources great for female entrepreneurs click here.
Here our Founder Mandie Holgate shares a lesson that she has learnt about The BWN…
When people get in touch about attending the BWN they assume it’s going to be about increasing sales, confidence and success…. well our tagline is “As passionate about your success as you are.”
And we have cut a path for ourselves as an organisation that offers networking that gives you coordinators that go out of their way to learn more about you and your business so that they can help you get the results they want. (As a member we get you to answer 5 questions that we then post on our blog about you too)
And put you in front of some of the top speakers in the UK, that is why we know that our networking genuinely delivers. However more and more over the last few months I’ve become aware that the BWN does something just as powerful.
The BWN was founded by me in 2009 after my coaching practice saw me working predominantly with business women and regardless of what they brought to the table I realised we needed an environment where we could ask any question, say anything and get the results we wanted to succeed, overcoming fears and striving for success.
Creating an environment where you could confidently say anything and not feel stupid or self-conscious about it has had a knock on effect. I’ve heard story after story of life long friendships being created.
Of business women dashing across the UK to be there for one another, why? Because they met at the BWN many years ago, and that’s what you do for friends right?
Whether it’s a bereavement, , illness, a divorce, a poorly loved one or just a lousy week, these business women know that whether you need to be able to turn up on a doorstep and have a hug or just talk in a direct message on Facebook, BWN are there for each other.
This is a whole new level to our network and one I for one had not foreseen but I’m immensely proud to hear is happening.
If you don’t want to be a part of this, you would never know it was happening, because I’m so adamant there will never be any clickiness to our events. Why?
Because I was on the outside of that as a young girl! Hearing girls giggle and making the ridiculous assumption that they were laughing about me, regardless of what the laughing is about, it’s horrible right? We need to work together to achieve success, however it’s all too easy to slip back into that negative mindset when you hear laughter at an event and think “What are they laughing at?”
So if you are looking for events that could help you gain new business, increase your confidence (because as a coach I see this play such a critical role in people’s success) and increase your success AND gain some team members that will be there no matter what. I highly recommend the BWN.
I too have found myself on the receving end of love, kindness and caring. Now when you consider that also comes with buckets of sales and new skills, that’s definetly a win win situation and all with no membership!
(The BWN is growing fast with new locations launching in September in October. If you don’t see a venue in your area, have you considered getting paid to network? Learn more here, or get in touch.)