Over on the INsiders, we’ve shared a series of webinars looking at blogging for business. And since Mandie decided to be a “blogger” in May and is already a featured blogger for 4 international publications and writing for an additional 7 every month as well as getting shared on LinkedIn by Arianna Huffington and featuring in blogs in other languages too and gained clients as a result of her blogging, we’d say you are in good hands!
Remember blogging for business should deliver engagement in your digital media, new sign-ups to your database and social media accounts, raise your profile as a thought leader in your field, gain you speaking engagements and most importantly of all new leads and new business. So if it’s not working for you, what needs to change? Use these webinars to get your creative juices flowing!
You can access to webinars anytime under the video section of the private and confidential Facebook group, however, is a recap of what was covered. If you need additional advice then tag us in a post or email us. If you take up the challenge and get your blog out there and want to get some advice and support first, you are welcome to share your articles with us anytime.
Here one of our fabulous corporate photograher Jayne Lloyd for our Wivenhoe House, Colchester events, shares an exciting opportunity for you to get rid of your old junk and maybe change someone’s life;
Our corporate photographer, Jayne Lloyd is Project Manager at photography organisation Shutter Hub, who have launched #CameraAmnesty to support Accumulate, an inspirational enterprise helping young homeless people to develop their confidence and self-worth through creativity.
“The Accumulate photographers exhibited the work they produced on their photography course at the Guardian offices, were featured in the national press, and some were offered opportunities to continue their work beyond this, like Eric, who was offered an exhibition at his hostel. As exciting as that was, he was limited in what he could do because he, like pretty much every student in the group, was relying on equipment borrowed from Accumulate.
It occurred to us at Shutter Hub that between us we have a few old cameras or even mobile phones with good cameras gathering dust and not worth very much on eBay, and we’re sure other people might too. What if we donated these to Accumulate so that people like Eric could continue to develop their skills and keep taking photos?
For practical reasons, we are looking for the whole package so that includes bodies, lenses, chargers, batteries and memory cards too. If you think you might have something that could be donated to a student that’s fantastic – please do get in touch.”
Shutter Hub Article: https://shutterhub.org.uk/blog/cameraamnesty-an-appeal-to-help-homeless-photographers
Guardian exhibition article: https://www.theguardian.com/inequality/gallery/2017/may/08/london-photographed-by-young-and-homeless-accumulate-made-by-us
Accumulate : http://accumulate.org.uk
Here Dr Maria Hudson Lecturer in Human Resource Management shares an exciting opportunity for you to look after your team. Learning about the promotion of positive mental health. There is a great opportunity to get involved, raise awareness with your connections and make a difference to our local business communities;
“There is growing discussion of the need for greater understanding of employee well-being at work. Mental health is an important part of this. The main aim of the Action Learning Set will be to foster increased understanding and takeup of better practice, with support tailored to employer contexts. The Action Learning Set is being run by Dr Maria Hudson who is a Lecturer in Human Resource Management in the Organisation Studies and HRM teaching group at Essex Business School. The project builds on recent research funded by Acas on the Management of Mental health at Work. This follow-up work is supported by funds that the University of Essex has been awarded by the Economic and Social Research Council in order to maximise the impact of research. Employer participation is free.
The Action Learning Set is being run by myself in the Organisation Studies and HRM teaching group at Essex Business School. The project builds on recent research funded by Acas on the Management of Mental health at Work. This follow-up work is supported by funds that the University of Essex has been awarded by the Economic and Social Research Council in order to maximise the impact of research. Employer participation is free.
In parallel with the Action Learning Set, I will undertake case study based research to explore the impact of employer participation on the promotion of positive mental health. All data collected will be treated in strictest confidence.
The first meeting of the Action Learning Set takes place in October 2017. To learn more contact me to receive an information sheet which provides further details about what participation in both the Action Learning Set and research would entail and how confidentiality will be managed.
I do hope that you will consider participating in this important learning and research project. If you have any questions about the project, please do not hesitate in contacting me by email: mhudson@essex.ac.uk or phone: 01206 744 046/ 07712674505.
Thank you for your attention and consideration.
Yours faithfully,
Dr Maria Hudson.
Meet Jen and Jen. Well, Jenny Sjollema from PA Angels and host of South Essex events and Jenny Animashaun from JA Business Services hosts of our Braintree/Halstead events and our Essex Charity Coordinator. They may look thoughtful in the image above but they are more than just looking thoughtful, they are thoughtful.
As a businesswoman with Lupus, I don’t drive to a lot of my speaking engagements and events I attend and these two fabulous Jen’s are the business women that travel around the UK with me the most. (That is not the interesting part!)
The interesting part is that as a businesswoman I don’t know about you but I’ve always had an issue with asking for help (that’s probably why I still rely on that chapter in my book on the fears that impact on success!) It took me years to suss that if I wanted to achieve big I’d have to accept help. (When I wrote the book I couldn’t think of one person that has achieved great success completely alone, from rock stars and athletes to entrepreneurs and CEO’s no one gets there alone. Can you think of anyone?) And as such these Jen’s are essential to my success. And so I want to share why this is so important;
When you read these things can you say you are a thoughtful business owner? Do you show you care? Do other business owners know that they can rely on you? By showcasing your thoughtfulness not only do you build rapport which leads to a desire to do business together it also means that you get to showcase your professionalism something that I fear is woefully lacking for some.