The Power of Networking With BWN in the Words of a Business Woman

The power of networking with BWN

I was searching for an alternative networking group to replace one I had been a member of for some time and having attended a couple of The BWN events, I was impressed by how vibrant the meetings were; I always leave feeling uplifted having met several like-minded business women in a friendly and genuine atmosphere, not to mention having the opportunity to listen to some fantastic business owners share advice and ideas for my business.

Not long after I had signed up for The Insiders (learn more here), Mandie (Suffolk coordinator) had put my name forward to appear on BBC Radio Suffolk to discuss how, at 50, I had overcome previous difficulties and set up my own Life Coaching Practice.

Not only was this a great opportunity to explain all about coaching but soon after the interview, I was approached by a local film documentary maker. We met for coffee and discussed the possibility of working on a film documentary to show how coaching had helped 3 of my clients to move on successfully in their lives. Just recently I was approached by the young, freelance cameraman who filmed the documentary and he is now a client of mine!

One cannot underestimate the power of networking ; not only might you gain business and recognition for what you do, but you also get the opportunity to meet other business women who are in a similar position to yourself.

At BWN, unlike other groups I have attended, there is no hidden agenda. You are encouraged to be yourself and are accepted for who you are and given the chance to share your own business journey., with all its ups and downs.

Pavlenka Small  

Thanks for sharing your thoughts Pavlenka.

  • August 23, 2011
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