PA Angels Fly’s Through the Sky for Farleigh Hospice

Jenny Sjollema, 41, of Heybridge Basin, Maldon, Essex flew through the freezing cold sky’s in Beecles, Suffolk on Friday 20th February to raise money for Farleigh Hospice as part of the £50 Birkett Long Business Challenge in Mid-Essex.

“I decided to do the challenge, after my friend Stella Bradbrook had been diagnosed with liver and bowel cancer earlier in the year. And I decided to do the skydive having overheard another lady at the cheque presentation evening that she was doing one, and I thought, well why not!”, Jenny said.

She reached speeds of up to 120mph on her free fall, and was on the ground in less than two minutes!

Jenny took over About My Area Maldon and Burnham from Stella in the Summer, having taken over Chelmsford and Witham previously, she now runs Mid-Essex websites. About My Area is a community based website, supported by local news.

“Once I’d decided to do the skydive, I went full steam ahead, promoting it on the website, social media and the local press,” Jenny said. “I have raised over £800 to date for this AMAZing cause, that have supported Stella and her family over the last few months.”

If you would like to support Jenny to raise funds for Farleigh Hospice, you can do so by going to

Or feel free to give Jenny your money when you network with her at The BWN in Essex!

  • March 10, 2015
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