If you are a regular at BWN events you will no doubt have seen me snapping away at the monthly meetings – I’m Jayne Lloyd, and for the last year I have had the pleasure of being the BWN Colchester’s official photographer.

I attend most BWN meetings and photograph the events in a discreet, documentary style. Suzanne Lock at The Business Womas Network Essex

I always try to capture the feel of the event so that people can get a real sense of what the meeting was like, as well as providing a record of the event for those who were there. After the meeting I process the images and add them to the BWN Facebook page, where each businesswoman is tagged.

It’s a great way to show your Facebook connections what you’re up to and keep the conversation going beyond the event itself, as well as being a great opportunity to add some professional photographs to your online marketing.

I’m really happy for attendees to use the watermarked web copies online – so if I take a shot you’d like to use as your profile picture I’d be delighted for you to do so! I just ask that you let me know, credit ‘Jayne Lloyd Photography’ and include a link and tag where possible.

As an extra bonus for regular BWN attendees, if you would like to use any of the images at high resolution for your marketing materials you can purchase the digital file for a special rate of £15 and use it for all your promotional needs. Bambi Harrison laughing with business womanAll the images from past events are available to view on my website, where you can order the files directly: www.jaynelloyd.co.uk/bwn

I look forward to continuing to work with the BWN and with all the fantastic businesswomen I meet at each event.

Do come and say hello, and if you’d like to connect in the meantime please feel free to add me on Twitter: @jaynelloyd,

Facebook: Facebook.com/JayneLloydPhotography,

Instagram: instagram.com/jayne_lloyd/ or email me at jayne@jaynelloyd.co.uk 

Jayne Lloyd is a freelance photographer based in Colchester, specialising in working with businesses and organisations to create images that communicate their brand visually.

  • November 16, 2015
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