Mindset over Matter?

There are a load of people that teach mindset for a living.  Why is that?  Because we all understand that mindset is a huge part of our lives and how we perceive the world.  It has an effect on everything we do, life, family, work and even whether we think we can or cannot achieve our goals.  Mandie’s new book Fight the Fear: How to beat your negative mindset and win in life is a great example of someone looking at themselves and seeing that had it not been for a shift in mindset then they would not be achieving what they want and also being able to communicate that to others.

Personally I have had experience or not only changing and managing my own mindset, but also of changing my brain to overcome traumas in my life.  I now help others to free themselves of lifelong issues in short sessions which re-wire the brain.

So can you change your mindset – I believe so and clearly Mandie, the Founder of the Business Woman’s Network is out and proud about it too – so maybe there is something in this stuff?


  • December 14, 2016