Hi Guys,

So yesterday a client says to me thats its hard work sending out individual emails to everyone and what results do they get anyway? Thus I mentioned Mailchimp – its free, I can keep in touch with clients/potential clients/ and business women looking to grow their business effectively, knowing who reads it, how often and if they open the links I included and even automatically share on my social media too – great right?

Here’s a taster 5 minute video to help you get going;

The How to Set Up An Email Campaign With Mail Chimp

Get started, pause the video as you and do send us your finished results.

  • February 4, 2012
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Elene Marsden

Hi Mandie
That’s a great video to show just how easy it is to set up an email campaign.
Coincidentally I’m in the middle of writing my own 3 step email campaign. I’ll be sending emails to targeted groups of my contacts asking for support for Corazon IT to be voted the Best Loved Business in Ipswich
The deadline is Valentine’s Day, so one message is scheduled to go out on Monday 6/2, a reminder message on Friday 10/2 and a final call to action on Monday 13/2.
I’m up against tough competition from 2 top hairdressers but I’m not phased as I have the power of email marketing behind me and with subject lines like ” Help me get more Lovers” I’m feeling confident!
Happy to let you know how it goes.

    Mandie Holgate

    Thanks, and glad you love the free ideas – can’t help but share them with you business women. Love that you target your email campaigns – its a great way of ensuring you get results for your efforts. Good luck Elene and do let us know how you get on – a blog might be quite nice when you win right?
    Best wishes,

Nikki Brett

Hi Mandie,

We are all registered with mailchimp and just about to send out our first email campaign with them – your top tip couldn’t have been timed any better for us! We regularly use email marketing but through a third party but we will have more control over this mailing and as you say in your video we will be able to analyse the results a bit easier.

Will let you know how we get on,

    Mandie Holgate

    Great to hear from you Nikki,
    Taking control of your marketing is one sure fire way to ensure the passion and dedication of you and your team gets across. Glad you liked the top tip – I had a meeting with a client who was dipping her toes in email marketing and so I sent her this to get her to take the plunge – as with all marketing, get in there and have a go and test and measure the results for next time!
    If you guys are on social media don’t forget to social share too, so that we can see the results of your marketing strategy – @BWNcouk to speak with us.
    Look forward to hearing how things are going for you and seeing you at the BWN again soon. Don’t forget Colchester 14th, Ipswich 16th, Hertford 23rd.
    Best wishes and have a great week,

Sandra Sparrowhawk

Hi Mandy, Thank you very much for this tutorial, I have managed to successfully set up mail chimp and imported my email list. I have already done my first email to go out next week to go along with a new product release. The tip on how to add a link was fantastic. I found mail chimp very user friendly and if I can do it so can any one else.

Thank you


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