Here’s Why It’s Definitely Time To Let Go Of The Office

Given how elastic the notion of time has become in 2020, you’d be forgiven for thinking that it’s only been a month or two since most of us started working from home (or that it’s been twelve years, for that matter). However, it has now been at least nine months since most of us packed up our laptops and grabbed our desk plant and headed for home to convert the corner of the living room by the best window into our new work station. As such, as we prepare ourselves to face whatever’s next in 2021, it’s important to commit to this new normal as best we can, which is why it’s time to finally give up that office space.

Things Are Going To Be Uncertain For A While Longer

Just because the vaccine has started rolling out, doesn’t mean that we’re going to be back to how things used to be by the end of January. If there’s one thing we’ve learned in 2020, it’s that there is a limit to how much we can control, and rolling lockdowns and tier changes, not to mention the never-ending uncertainty over Brexit, are going to continue to be part of our lives for a while longer. If you’re holding on to expensive office space because you’re expecting a quick change in the new year, we would recommend that you save yourself a lot of time and worry by cutting it loose.

You Don’t Have To Say Goodbye To All Your Equipment

For business owners, giving up office space can feel a little like an admission of defeat. After all, taking space for your own company is a bold statement, a declaration that you mean business and you’re here to stay. Parting ways with it doesn’t have to mean that you’re giving up on the idea of ever having your own office space again, it can just be a way of hitting pause ahead of a reset. You don’t have to figure out how you’re going to get rid of the boardroom table, or what you’re going to do with all the expensive equipment. You can simply look into some cost-effective storage solutions. A quick search for say, self storage Stockport, will show you that Easy Access Self Storage has locations near you with options specifically for businesses, and you can even turn your storage unit into a mini-office.

Your Employees Will Thank You

We’re not suggesting that your employees aren’t already thanking you. The fact that your business is still up and running is a major achievement in this year and we’re all lucky to still be working. However, in these times of great uncertainty, working from home has been a major boon to employees across the country. It’s been such a boon to be able to adjust working hours to help with family commitments, and some businesses have discovered that flexible working times have helped employees reach their full potential. Additionally, with the pandemic still in play, we’ve all slept a little easier knowing that we don’t have to run the risk of a busy commute. It’s a positive step for you, and it’s a positive step for them.

  • January 15, 2021