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Meet Essex Business Jo Hunt. Jo Smells Good And Business Looks Good Too!

At The BWN it’s important our coordinators get to know our regular business women. Here Joanne Hunt shares her passion for smells and what they can do for your health, wealth and happiness…

What made you set up your business?
It was a pure accident getting involved with doTERRA Essential Oils. My 13 year old daughter is a multi-eventer Jo Hunt 2athlete and had injured her ankle during a training session, after a few sessions of physiotherapy I was asked to try a sample of deep blue rub for her ankle, it was such an amazing product and within a few days she was walking again and in 2 weeks she was back to long jumping. I am also an athletics coach and a few of my athletes had certain aches, pains and muscle issues so we tried the product on them all with 100% success rates – so I knew from then this product was very special.

How many years have you been in business?
I have been running my own Health and Safety Consultancy business Chestnut Associates for over 25 years and have built up to 25 regular monthly clients plus many more on an ad hoc basis. I have been working with doTERRA since May 2015.

What do you love most about running your own business?
By far the best part is sharing the oils with people and letting them have their own oil experience. The results that I have had with my clients has been above and beyond anything I could of ever imagined possible. Meeting the wonderful people that have decided to work with me on my journey with doTERRA and sharing the wonderful business with them to see them grow too.

What do you hate most about running your own business?
There’s only 24 hours in a day – I want more!!

What benefits do you get from networking?Jo Hunt 3
I’ve met some amazing people through networking and it’s a great way to get find out how we can work together and use each other’s services and experience. There is also a tremendous amount of support from the ladies that are members and also from visitors that attend the monthly events. There is also an amazing speaker for each event which means we all come away from the event with an action plan for our individual business. I have met some great people who have turned into very good friends and will be friends forever.

What would you say your greatest skill is? (Be honest you have lots!)
Never ever giving up – I will keep trying and get the result I need for my client.

What was the reason that you decided to be a member at The BWN?
After my first experience of visiting BWN and feeling the amazing buzz in the room during the meeting there was no way I could not join. Mandie is the most supportive lady and does everything possible to link people together.  I find that the women who attend are really supportive and interested in what everybody else is doing. I always come away fired up with enthusiasm and that’s a great motivator once a month.

What do you see the future holding for your business?
That is such a scary question. The way the business has grown for me during the last 9 months hasJo Hunt 1 been incredible and I can’t begin to imagine where we will be in another year. The one certainty is that I will be sharing the wonderful world of doTERRA Essential Oils with many people to help their health issues is a more natural way.

Who would it be good to for you to know?
I would like to meet people that are willing to try a more natural way of managing their health. Mum’s are a great start so that they can try a more natural way of helping their children without the standard over the counter medication. People that use essential oils in their work eg. beauty therapists. Sportsmen and women that have sport injuries I would love to help. (Marjoram can be used for muscles pain from overuse, tension, stress, strain or injury. It is also very commonly used for tendinitis.
Lemongrass is most commonly used for Achilles heel and muscle strains.) People that would love to work in a team sharing the oils.

Jo Hunt attends our Essex events and has booked to exhibit at every Marks Tey Hotel event in 2016!Jo Hunt 4

If you can’t wait to learn more visit her Facebook page here.

And Jo’s website is here.

  • March 21, 2016